restore with s3cmd file from Glacier - ERROR: S3 error: 403 (Forbidden)

restore with s3cmd file from Glacier - ERROR: S3 error: 403 (Forbidden)


s3cmd info s3://$BUCKET/
s3://$BUCKET/ (bucket):
   Location:  eu-central-1
   Payer:     BucketOwner
   Expiration Rule: all objects in this bucket will expire in '
   policy:    none
   cors:      none
   ACL:       76b81345345erfrefge473b9c6ac3c7238ceab39fddef698645c5076a41: FULL_CONTROL

s3cmd info s3://$BUCKET/$DIR/$FILE
s3://$BUCKET/$DIR/$FILE (object):
   File size: 21927
   Last mod:  Tue, 21 Jun 2016 08:41:03 GMT
   MIME type: binary/octet-stream
   Storage:   GLACIER
   MD5 sum:   f55ff37a27b83c96b8a492d3d3dbb904
   SSE:       none
   policy:    none
   cors:      none
   ACL:       76b81e6138c136e4c7e42d75773sferwf4345egrb39fddef698645c5076a41: FULL_CONTROL
   x-amz-meta-s3cmd-attrs: uid:503/gname:staff/uname:john/gid:20/mode:33261/mtime:1311191701/atime:1466282917/md5:f55ff37a27b83c96b8a492d3d3dbb904/ctime:1436192978
   x-amz-meta-s3tools-gpgenc: gpg

从 Glacier 恢复:

> s3cmd restore s3://$BUCKET/$DIR/$FILE
restore: 's3://$BUCKET/$DIR/$FILE'


> s3cmd get s3://$BUCKET/$DIR/$FILE /Users/john/Desktop/                                                      
download: 's3://$BUCKET/$DIR/$FILE' -> '/Users/john/Desktop/$FILE’  [1 of 1]
ERROR: S3 error: 403 (Forbidden)

我收到 403。我使用与两个月前上传相同的凭据进行下载。

来自Glacier FAQ

Data Retrievals

Q: How can I retrieve data from the service?

You can download data directly from the service using the service’s REST API. When you make a request to retrieve data from Glacier, you initiate a retrieval job. Once the retrieval job completes, your data will be available to download for 24 hours. Retrieval jobs typically complete within 3-5 hours.

Q: What operations initiate jobs and why?

To retrieve an archive or a vault inventory, you first initiate a job (Click here for more information about vault inventories). Once you initiate a job, you can call the DescribeJob API to monitor its progress. You can also have notifications automatically sent to you once a job completes. Jobs will typically complete in 3-5 hours. Once a job completes successfully, you can download the data requested or access it using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

Q: How long does it take for jobs to complete?

Most jobs will take between 3 to 5 hours to complete.


s3cmd get s3://$BUCKET/$DIR/$FILE /Users/john/Desktop/
download: 's3://$BUCKET/$DIR/$FILE' -> '/Users/john/Desktop/$FILE  [1 of 1]
 21927 of 21927   100% in    0s    24.66 kB/s  done

我的桌面上的文件未加密。我使用 -e, --encrypt Encrypt files before uploading to S3 选项上传到 S3/Glacier。


Job Operations

The following are the job operations available in Amazon Glacier.


Describe Job (GET JobID)
Get Job Output (GET output)
Initiate Job (POST jobs)
List Jobs (GET jobs)