Matlab 正则化逻辑回归 - 如何计算梯度

Matlab Regularized Logistic Regression - how to compute gradient

我目前正在 Coursera 平台上学习机器学习,我正在尝试实施逻辑回归。为了实现逻辑回归,我使用梯度下降来最小化成本函数,我将编写一个名为 costFunctionReg.m 的函数,该函数 returns 在当前参数集下评估的每个参数的成本和梯度.



我正在单独计算 theta[0](在 MATLAB 中,theta(1)),因为它没有被正则化,即我们不使用第一项(lambda)。

function [J, grad] = costFunctionReg(theta, X, y, lambda)
    %COSTFUNCTIONREG Compute cost and gradient for logistic regression with regularization
    %   J = COSTFUNCTIONREG(theta, X, y, lambda) computes the cost of using
    %   theta as the parameter for regularized logistic regression and the
    %   gradient of the cost w.r.t. to the parameters. 

    % Initialize some useful values
    m = length(y); % number of training examples
    n = length(theta); %number of parameters (features)

    % You need to return the following variables correctly 
    J = 0;
    grad = zeros(size(theta));

    % ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
    % Instructions: Compute the cost of a particular choice of theta.
    %               You should set J to the cost.
    %               Compute the partial derivatives and set grad to the partial
    %               derivatives of the cost w.r.t. each parameter in theta

    % ----------------------1. Compute the cost-------------------
    h = sigmoid(X * theta);

    for i = 1 : m
        % The cost for the ith term before regularization
        J = J - ( y(i) * log(h(i)) )   -  ( (1 - y(i)) * log(1 - h(i)) );

        % Adding regularization term
        for j = 2 : n
            J = J + (lambda / (2*m) ) * ( theta(j) )^2;
    J = J/m; 

    % ----------------------2. Compute the gradients-------------------

    %not regularizing theta[0] i.e. theta(1) in matlab

    j = 1;

    for i = 1 : m
        grad(j) = grad(j) + ( h(i) - y(i) ) * X(i,j);

    for j = 2 : n    
        for i = 1 : m
            grad(j) = grad(j) + ( h(i) - y(i) ) * X(i,j) + lambda * theta(j);

    grad = (1/m) * grad;

    % =============================================================


您应用正则化的方式不正确。您在对所有训练示例求和后 添加正则化 ,但在每个示例 之后添加正则化 。如果您在更正之前保留代码,您会无意中使梯度步长变大,最终会超出解决方案。这种超调会累积,并且不可避免地会为所有分量(偏差项除外)提供 Inf-Inf 的梯度向量。

简单地说,将您的 lambda*theta(j) 语句放在第二个 for 循环终止之后:

for j = 2 : n    
    for i = 1 : m
        grad(j) = grad(j) + ( h(i) - y(i) ) * X(i,j); % Change
    grad(j) = grad(j) + lambda * theta(j); % Change