只能导入一个类型。 <class> 解析为一个包

Only a type can be imported. <class> resolves to a package

Since a very long time I'm using STS (eclipse) to code on jenkins and jenkins-plugins.

But since I upgraded to the latest version (STS 3.8.1) I'm not able to do so anymore... The reason is an error I get when ever I import a jenkins-plugin project (maven based, e.g. https://github.com/jenkinsci/config-file-provider-plugin/):

Only a type can be imported. com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl resolves to a package

While the message is true about the fact that there is a package called the same as a class, this is the case for many many classes in the source of Jenkins. This is actually a convention, all resources belonging to a specific class have to be places in a package with the same name as the class.

Is there anything I can do to ignore this error?

这是 eclipse 中的一个错误,希望尽快修复:https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=495598