SonarQube Unit Test Coverage 不显示任何信息(只有一个连字符)

SonarQube Unit Test Coverage shows no information (only a hyphen)

SonarQube Unit Test Coverage shows no information, everything else seems fine.


Small Solutions

Small solutions works fine: Code Analysis, Unit Test Coverage and Unit Test Results show in the dashboard.

Big Solutions

Once I moved to this one big Solution (Contains many Projects):

There are similar questions to this one, none of the few answers apply in my situation.

I also enabled verbose logs.

原来服务器 运行 Jenkins Slave 运行 我猜是 Visual Studio 2015 的早期版本(安装 MSBuild)。我将其更新为可用的版本 (VS 2015 Update 3),现在我可以看到覆盖范围了。

在 VS 更新请求后我重新启动了服务器。

我在我的开发箱中安装了一个本地 SonarQube 并意识到我之前所做的在那里工作正常后,我有了这个想法。