加载 Tibco BW 设计器时出错

Getting error while loading Tibco BW designer

我已经创建了 web 服务,但是在 tibco 设计器中加载我的 web 服务时出现以下错误。(Tibco BW 5.9) 你能建议一下吗? 提前致谢。

[InvokeWebservice/InvokeProcess/Process 定义错误。process/SOAPRequestReply] java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:javax/jms/JMSException:不支持 major.minor 版本 51.0

此致, 维奈

该错误表明您的 Designer 运行 是 Java 的旧版本,您的 Tibco EMS 库不支持该版本。

因此,您要么必须升级设计器的 JVM 以符合 EMS 客户端库要求,要么安装旧版本的 EMS 客户端库。

PS:支持从较旧的客户端库版本连接到较新版本的 EMS。

您需要在安装 tibco 时更新版本 java。

在路径 <TibcoHom>\tra.X\bin 中执行命令 traUpgradeManager。此工具更新所有 tibco 组件中所有 .tra 文件中的 jre 来自 提供的位置。您可以升级完整安装或特定文件夹。请找例子

  1. traUpgradeManager -path C:/tibco -jre C:/tibco/jre/1.6.0完全安装。
  2. traUpgradeManager -path C:/tibco/bw/5.6 -jre C:/tibco/jre/1.6.0 特定文件夹。

traUpgradeManager (-path | -include [-exclude ] ) [-traversion ] [-rv ] [-keepRVDir] [-jre ] [-hawk ] [-nohawk] ) | -revert | -help

-path - If a directory, substitute all the .tra files in this directory and all directories under it; if a file name, substitute in this file.

-include - The location of a file containing one entry per line that each act as .

-exclude - The location of a file containing one name per line which will be excluded from replacement. The name can match either a directory or a file. It is not the path, just a simple name.

-traversion - tra version number.

-rv - The full path of rv version to be used.

-ems - The full path of EMS version to be used.

-jre - The location of a JRE to use. If not specified, will use the version associated with target TRA.

-hawk - The location of Hawk. If neither -hawk or -nohawk is specified, will use highest version of hawk installed.

-nohawk - Do not update the hawk home directory

-keepRVDir - If not specified, any instances of RV_HOME/lib in the classpath will be replaced with RV_HOME/lib/tibrvj.jar.

-revert - Revert the latest substituation by removing the tra file and rename the bak file to it.

-help - Print this help information, but take no action.

Examples traUpgradeManager -include C:/temp/include.txt -traversion 5.6 -exclude C:/temp/exclude.txt traUpgradeManager -path C:/tibco/tra/5.6/bin/DeleteInvalidUsers.tra -jre C:/tibco/jre/1.6.0
traUpgradeManager -path C:/tibco/bw/5.6 -jre C:/tibco/jre/1.6.0
traUpgradeManager -path C:/tibco -jre C:/tibco/jre/1.6.0
traUpgradeManager -path C:/tibco -ems C:/tibco/ems/7.0
traUpgradeManager -revert -path C:/tibco/bw/5.6