如何支持 "per request" 范围

How to support "per request" scope


class TaskController {
    @inject private currentUser

    addTask() {
        if (!hasPermission(currentUser)) throw new Error("Unauthorized.")
        // ...


目前,InversifyJS 仅支持 singleton 和 trainsient 作用域。我们有一个 roadmap item 来研究新类型的作用域。

我们目前也在努力支持中间件,但还没有完全准备好。您可以通过 Gitter 联系开发团队,以了解有关我们计划的更多信息、帮助我们或请求功能。

InversifyJS 已经有一段时间了 inRequestScope(),但它对 container-per-http-request 的情况没有多大帮助,因为 InversifyJS 的请求范围实际上与对 [=15 的单个调用相关联=],也就是说,每次调用 get 都被认为是一个请求,如果每个请求只调用一次 get,它将仅按预期用于 HTTP 上下文。

我遇到了和你一样的问题:在一个中间件中,我需要从请求中提取当前用户并将该信息注入 CurrentUser class,以便以后可以使用该信息被其他服务在线访问。

为此,我至少需要两次调用 get<CurrentUser>:一个在中间件中,另一个用于为请求实例化 controller/handler。


我最终创建了 ScopedContainer class 你可以在下面看到。


// register-global-dependencies.ts
ScopedContainer.globalContainer = (() => {
  const container = new Container();
  return container;

☝️ 这允许你仍然有单例依赖。

// register-scoped-dependencies.ts
import "register-global-dependencies";

ScopedContainer.postConfigure((container) => {

☝️ 这控制了每个 HTTP 请求应解析一次的依赖项。

// lambda-handler.ts
import "register-scoped-dependencies";

handler = (event, context) => {
  const requestId = event.requestContext.requestId;
  const container = ScopedContainer.for(requestId);

  try {
    // This will be the same for every request
    const singletonDep = container.get(TOKENS.SomeSingletonDep);

    // And this will be a new instance for every request
    const requestSpecificDep = container.get(TOKENS.RequestSpecificDep);
  finally {

这是ScopedContainer class:

import { Container, interfaces } from "inversify";

const DEFAULT_SCOPE_ID = "__default__";

type PostConfigureAction = (container: Container) => void;
type ScopedContainerCache = {
  [id: string]: Container;

class ScopedContainer {
  private static _postConfigureActions: PostConfigureAction[] = [];
  private static readonly _instances: ScopedContainerCache = {};

   * Options object to use when creating a new container for a
   * scope ID.
  static containerOptions: interfaces.ContainerOptions;

   * A global container instance, which enables truly
   * singleton instances when using a scoped container. All scoped
   * containers reference the global container as parent.
  static globalContainer: Container;

   * Returns a @see Container that is unique to the specified scope.
   * If this is the first time getting the container for the scope, then a
   * new container will be created using the provided factory. Any post configure
   * actions will also be applied to the new container instance.
   * @param scopeId Any string to identify the scope (e.g. current request ID).
   * @returns A @see Container that is unique to the specified scope.
  static for(scopeId = DEFAULT_SCOPE_ID): Container {
    let container = this._instances[scopeId];
    if (!container) {
      container = this.makeNewContainer();
      this._instances[scopeId] = container;
    return container;

   * Unbinds the @see Container (i.e. container.unbindAll()) and removes
   * it from the cache.
   * @param scopeId
  static remove(scopeId = DEFAULT_SCOPE_ID): void {
    let container = this._instances[scopeId];
    if (!container) return;
    delete this._instances[scopeId];

   * Runs the @method remove method on all instances.
  static removeAll(): void {
    Object.keys(this._instances).forEach((key) => this.remove(key));

   * Adds a post configure action.
   * @param fn A function that will be run everytime a new @see Container is created.
   * @returns The @see ScopedContainer itself, to allow chaining.
  static postConfigure(fn: PostConfigureAction): ScopedContainer {
    return this;

   * Removes any post configure actions.
  static resetPostConfigureActions(): void {
    this._postConfigureActions = [];

  private static makeNewContainer(): Container {
    const container =
      this.globalContainer?.createChild(this.containerOptions) ??
      new Container(this.containerOptions);
    this._postConfigureActions.forEach((action) => action(container));
    return container;

export default ScopedContainer;
