根据条件将数据从 table 移动到多个 table

Moving data from table to multiple tables depending on condition

我正在尝试将数据从一个 table 移动到另外两个 table,具体取决于是否满足特定条件。


WITH moved_rows AS (
    DELETE FROM rac_temp_import
    WHERE depo IN ('0281752') AND tura IN ('026','094','097')
    RETURNING *, (CASE WHEN parcelno IN(
        SELECT parcelno FROM rac_import
        SELECT parcelno FROM rac_dupli
    ) THEN true ELSE false END) AS dupli
INSERT INTO rac_dupli
SELECT FROM moved_rows WHERE dupli = true
INSERT INTO rac_import
SELECT FROM moved_row WHERE dupli = false

但据我所知,在 WITH 之后只能存在一个 INSERT 语句,我尝试在之后使用 CASE 但这也没有用。

使第一个 insert 成为 CTE:

with moved_rows as (
    delete from rac_temp_import rti
    where depo in ('0281752') and tura in ('026','094','097')
    returning *,
        exists (
            select parcelno
            from rac_import
            where parcelno = rti.parcelno
        ) or
        exists (
            select parcelno
            from rac_dupli
            where parcelno = rti.parcelno
        ) as dupli
), i as (
    insert into rac_dupli
    from moved_rows
    where dupli = true
insert into rac_import
from moved_rows
where dupli = false

exists 可能比 case in