相当于 OpenELEC 上的 apt-get

Equivalent of apt-get on OpenELEC

我目前正在开发 raspberry pi,它使用 OpenELEC 作为操作系统。不幸的是,apt-get 不能用于此发行版。我有很多东西要安装,如果没有 apt-get 就太长了。

所以我的问题是:您是否知道可以在 OpenELEC 上使用的 apt-get 的任何等效命令,或者在此 OS 上使用 apt-get 的方法?

最后,你会 OS 给我一些建议,这样我就不会再遇到这个问题了?


来自 OpenELEC 维基:

Unlike other XBMC distributions, OpenELEC isn't based on Ubuntu, Debian or Arch - in fact, it's not based on any distribution. Instead, OpenELEC has been built from scratch specifically to act as a media center. This means it can be streamlined to certain hardware and only needs to include the packages absolutely required, making OpenELEC as streamlined as possible. In addition, OpenELEC is designed to be managed as an appliance - it can automatically update itself, is managed almost entirely from within XBMC and boots in seconds. You never need to see a management console or have Linux knowledge to use it.

所以答案是:您不能使用 apt-get 或类似软件。

您可以更改OS并使用官方OS Raspbian,或者如果您需要媒体中心,您可以使用OSMC