将单一类型 HList 映射到目标类型的 HList

Map single type HList to HList of target types


trait TypedTrait {
  type TYPE


case class TypedString[U](value: String) extends TypedTrait {
  type TYPE = U


最简单的方法是创建 convert 方法(如 中所述):

    val list = "Hello" :: "world" :: HNil

    val mapped: TypedString[Int] :: TypedString[Boolean] :: HNil =
           convert[TypedString[Int] :: TypedString[Boolean] :: HNil](list)


    val mapped: TypedString[Int] :: TypedString[Boolean] :: HNil =
               convert[Int :: Boolean :: HNil](list)


      import shapeless._

      trait TypedTrait {
        type TYPE

      case class TypedString[U](value: String) extends TypedTrait {
        type TYPE = U

      trait Convert[I <: HList, O <: HList] { def apply(i: I): O }

      object Convert extends LowPriorityConvertInstances {
        implicit val convertHNil: Convert[HNil, HNil] = new Convert[HNil, HNil] {
          def apply(i: HNil): HNil = i

        implicit def convertHConsTS[TS, T <: HList, TO <: HList](implicit
                                                                  c: Convert[T, TO]
                                                                 ): Convert[String :: T, TypedString[TS] :: TO] =
          new Convert[String :: T, TypedString[TS] :: TO] {
            def apply(i: String :: T): TypedString[TS] :: TO = TypedString[TS](i.head) :: c(i.tail)

      sealed class LowPriorityConvertInstances {
        implicit def convertHCons[H, T <: HList, TO <: HList](implicit
                                                              c: Convert[T, TO]
                                                             ): Convert[H :: T, H :: TO] = new Convert[H :: T, H :: TO] {
          def apply(i: H :: T): H :: TO = i.head :: c(i.tail)

      class PartiallyAppliedConvert[O <: HList] {
        def apply[I <: HList](i: I)(implicit c: Convert[I, O]): O = c(i)

      def convert[O <: HList]: PartiallyAppliedConvert[O] =
        new PartiallyAppliedConvert[O]

      val list = "Hello" :: "world" :: HNil

      val mapped: TypedString[Int] :: TypedString[String] :: HNil =
         convert[TypedString[Int] :: TypedString[String] :: HNil](list)

您可以通过在 Convert 中设置三个 HList 类型参数来实现此目的:

  • 实际 HList 传递给 convert 的类型(例如,String :: String :: HNil
  • 用户指定的类型参数(例如Int :: Boolean :: HNil
  • 输出类型——基本上是 HList 包裹在 TypedString 中的规定:例如,TypedString[Int] :: TypedString[Boolean] :: HNil.


trait Convert[In <: HList, Prescribed <: HList] {
  type Out <: HList
  def apply(i: In): Out

object Convert {
  type Aux[I <: HList, P <: HList, O <: HList] = Convert[I, P] { type Out = O }

  // Adapt the implicits accordingly. 
  // The low priority one is left as an exercise to the reader.

  implicit val convertHNil: Convert.Aux[HNil, HNil, HNil] = 
    new Convert[HNil, HNil] {
      type Out = HNil
      def apply(i: HNil): HNil = i

  implicit def convertHConsTS[TS, TI <: HList, TP <: HList, TO <: HList](implicit
    c: Convert.Aux[TI, TP, TO]
  ): Convert.Aux[String :: TI, TS :: TP, TypedString[TS] :: TO] =
    new Convert[String :: TI, TS :: TP] {
      type Out = TypedString[TS] :: TO
      def apply(i: String :: TI): TypedString[TS] :: TO = 
        TypedString[TS](i.head) :: c(i.tail)

class PartiallyAppliedConvert[P <: HList] {
  def apply[I <: HList](i: I)(implicit c: Convert[I, P]): c.Out = c(i)

def convert[O <: HList]: PartiallyAppliedConvert[O] =
  new PartiallyAppliedConvert[O]

val list = "Hello" :: "world" :: HNil

val mapped = convert[Int :: String :: HNil](list)


scala> mapped
res3: shapeless.::[com.Main.TypedString[Int],shapeless.::[com.Main.TypedString[String],shapeless.HNil]] = TypedString(Hello) :: TypedString(world) :: HNil

我相信使用 shapeless 提供的一些操作可以实现这一点(shapeless.ops.hlist.Mappedshapeless.ops.hlist.HKernelshapeless.ops.hlist.RightFolder 看起来很合适),但我不知道' 知道如何编写一个 Poly 函数,它接受一个类型参数和一个普通参数。欢迎任何提示。