使用 Windbg 进行临界区挂起分析

Critical section hang analysis with Windbg

当我的应用程序有一段时间没有响应时,我最近得到了一个通过 procdump 生成的转储文件。

当我 运行 !locks 转储文件时,我得到一个单独的条目,类似于:

0:000> !locks

CritSec +123456 at 00123456
WaiterWoken       No
LockCount         0
RecursionCount    2
OwningThread      aaaa
EntryCount        0
ContentionCount   0
*** Locked


0:000> dt RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION 00123456
  +0x000 DebugInfo      : 0x00aabbcc _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG
  +0x004 LockCount      : 0n-2
  +0x008 RecursionCount : 0n2
  +0x00c OwningThread   : 0x0000aaaa Void
  +0x010 LockSemaphore  : (null)
  +0x014 SpinCount      : 0


1) 我是否应该将 MyModule!RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION 作为确定的线索,这个关键部分可能在 MyModule 中定义?

2) 有没有办法让Windbg显示这个临界区的实际变量名? (即假设#1 为真并且这是一个 CS 应用程序代码 defined/access。)

3) 为什么上述列表中的 LockCount 值彼此不一致? (一个是0,另一个是-2。)

4) 我想我很了解 LockCount,知道它不能低于 -1。更不用说 RecursionCount 似乎与 LockCount 严重脱节。

我想最重要的问题是我是否应该将其归因于损坏的 CS?

我可以使用示例应用程序轻松重现负 LockCount 的影响,这是我的答案:


关于 1)

Should I take MyModule!RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION as definitive clue this critical section is probably defined inside MyModule?

是的,这是您对临界区的定义,可能符合也可能不符合微软的定义。要使用 Microsoft 的定义,请使用 dt nt!_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION

关于 2)

Is there a way to make Windbg display the actual variable name of this critical section? (i.e assuming #1 is true and this is a CS the application code has defined/access to.)

是的,如果它被调用堆栈上的函数使用。使用 .frame,导航到 frme,使用 ?? variableName 显示变量,例如

0:000> k L2
 # ChildEBP RetAddr  
00 0116faa4 00d67419 KERNELBASE!DebugBreak+0x2
01 0116fc5c 00d67ebe CriticalSectionLeaveTwice!main+0x109
0:000> .frame 1
01 0116fc5c 00d67ebe CriticalSectionLeaveTwice!main+0x109 [c:\users\t\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\criticalsectionleavetwice\criticalsectionleavetwice\criticalsectionleavetwice.cpp @ 24]
0:000> ?? CriticalSection
   +0x000 DebugInfo        : 0xffffffff _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG
   +0x004 LockCount        : 0n-2
   +0x008 RecursionCount   : 0n2
   +0x00c OwningThread     : 0x00000d6c Void
   +0x010 LockSemaphore    : (null) 
   +0x014 SpinCount        : 0x20007d0

关于 3)

Why do the LockCount values in the aforementioned listings at odds with each other? (one has 0 and the other has -2.)

字段 LockCount 不再是真正的锁定计数,如中所述 this answer。相关部分:

In Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 and later versions of Windows, the LockCount field is parsed as follows:

  • The lowest bit shows the lock status. If this bit is 0, the critical section is locked; if it is 1, the critical section is not locked.
  • The next bit shows whether a thread has been woken for this lock. If this bit is 0, then a thread has been woken for this lock; if it is 1, no thread has been woken.
  • The remaining bits are the ones-complement of the number of threads waiting for the lock.

恕我直言,!locks 命令应该为您进行解释。

-2的特定值在二进制中是11111111 ... 1111110,所以最后一位是0,意味着临界区被锁定。之前的位是 1,所以没有线程被唤醒。余数的补数为0,对应!locks.



关于 4)

I think I understand LockCount well enough to know it can't go below -1. Not to mention RecursionCount seems to be badly out of step with LockCount.

参见 #3。

关于未编号的问题 5)

should I just chalk this up to corrupted CS?


使用 !dlk 进行死锁分析

要检查死锁是否由它引起,我建议使用 's (download) !dlk 命令。虽然它主要是 .NET 的扩展,但我曾要求即使没有 .NET 也能使其适用于关键部分 - 并且该功能已在 SOSex 的较新版本之一中实现。

如果找不到 .NET,它会输出有关该事实的警告,然后继续分析关键部分:


0:000> !dlk
Unable to initialize .NET data interface. The CLR has not yet been loaded in the process (mscorwks/clr module not loaded).
Examining CriticalSections...
No deadlocks detected.


.load c:\path\to\sosex.dll



0:010> !dlk
Deadlock detected:
CLR thread 4 holds sync block 00000000024c6970 OBJ:000000007fff0f80[System.String] STRVAL=SYNC1
             waits sync block 00000000024c6928 OBJ:000000007fff0fa8[System.String] STRVAL=SYNC2
CLR thread 5 holds sync block 00000000024c6928 OBJ:000000007fff0fa8[System.String] STRVAL=SYNC2
             waits sync block 00000000024c6970 OBJ:000000007fff0f80[System.String] STRVAL=SYNC1
CLR Thread 4 is waiting at ConsoleTestApp.ConsoleTestApp.MonitorDeadlockThreadProc()+0xa4(IL) [C:\dev\ConsoleTestApp\ConsoleTestApp.cs, line 195]
CLR Thread 5 is waiting at ConsoleTestApp.ConsoleTestApp.MonitorDeadlockThreadProc()+0xa4(IL) [C:\dev\ConsoleTestApp\ConsoleTestApp.cs, line 195]

1 deadlock detected. 


!analyze -hangDebug Diag 可能有助于挂起分析。