如何在 iOS 10 beta 中测试 ReplayKit 广播?
How to test ReplayKit broadcasting in iOS 10 beta?
我按照 https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2016/601/ 中的步骤在上一个 iOS 10 beta 中测试了 ReplayKit 的广播。
我安装了一些直播应用程序,如 Mob Crush、SHOWROOM 和 live.ly,但仍然提示没有直播应用程序。
有谁知道如何在 iOS 10 beta 中测试 ReplayKit 广播?
我刚刚从 Apple 的开发团队那里得到了答复:
"Create a separate Test App which includes an empty Broadcast UI Extension and Broadcast Upload Extension. This will provide some rudimentary logging and allow you to see that the broadcast is taking place. Broadcast Extension Templates can be added to an existing iOS or tvOS project by adding a new Target in Xcode (File->New->Target->iOS or ->tvOS) and selecting Broadcast UI Extension and Broadcast Upload Extension. We recommend adding these extensions to a separate Test App (such as a newly created Xcode Game Template project, File->New->Project->iOS->Game) so you do not inadvertently include empty broadcast extensions with your final app submission."
我按照 https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2016/601/ 中的步骤在上一个 iOS 10 beta 中测试了 ReplayKit 的广播。
我安装了一些直播应用程序,如 Mob Crush、SHOWROOM 和 live.ly,但仍然提示没有直播应用程序。
有谁知道如何在 iOS 10 beta 中测试 ReplayKit 广播?
我刚刚从 Apple 的开发团队那里得到了答复:
"Create a separate Test App which includes an empty Broadcast UI Extension and Broadcast Upload Extension. This will provide some rudimentary logging and allow you to see that the broadcast is taking place. Broadcast Extension Templates can be added to an existing iOS or tvOS project by adding a new Target in Xcode (File->New->Target->iOS or ->tvOS) and selecting Broadcast UI Extension and Broadcast Upload Extension. We recommend adding these extensions to a separate Test App (such as a newly created Xcode Game Template project, File->New->Project->iOS->Game) so you do not inadvertently include empty broadcast extensions with your final app submission."