环回警告:范围 User.accessTokens 目标 class "AccessToken",未通过远程处理公开
loopback Warning: scope User.accessTokens targets class "AccessToken", which is not exposed via remoting
所以,标题是一个问题。尝试从环回应用程序生成 angular 服务,但出现此错误
Loading LoopBack app "xxx\server\server.js"
Generating "lbServices" for the API endpoint "/api"
Warning: scope User.accessTokens targets class "AccessToken", which is not exposed
via remoting. The Angular code for this scope won't be generated.
Warning: scope AppUser.accessTokens targets class "AccessToken", which is not exposed
via remoting. The Angular code for this scope won't be generated.
throw err;
不确定它何时停止工作:更新 slc 之后或我的一些编码之后
好吧,删除 node_modules
和 npm cache clean
将模型中的 AccessToken public 属性 更改为 true-config.json
"AccessToken": {
"dataSource": "mongo",
"public": true }
所以,标题是一个问题。尝试从环回应用程序生成 angular 服务,但出现此错误
Loading LoopBack app "xxx\server\server.js"
Generating "lbServices" for the API endpoint "/api"
Warning: scope User.accessTokens targets class "AccessToken", which is not exposed
via remoting. The Angular code for this scope won't be generated.
Warning: scope AppUser.accessTokens targets class "AccessToken", which is not exposed
via remoting. The Angular code for this scope won't be generated.
throw err;
不确定它何时停止工作:更新 slc 之后或我的一些编码之后
好吧,删除 node_modules
和 npm cache clean
将模型中的 AccessToken public 属性 更改为 true-config.json
"AccessToken": {
"dataSource": "mongo",
"public": true }