ConcurrentModificationException 尝试在列表中删除所有内容时(不迭代)

ConcurrentModificationException when attempting to removeAll on a list (not iterating)


public boolean deleteEvents(ArrayList<EventsModel> list) {
    boolean success = false;
    synchronized (lock) {
        ArrayList<EventsModel> listClone = (ArrayList<EventsModel>) list.clone();
        success = processDelete(listClone);
    return success;

private boolean processDelete(List<EventsModel> list) {
    boolean success = false;
    if (list.size() > 999) {
        List<EventsModel> subList = list.subList(0, 998);
        list.removeAll(subList); // blows up with ConcurrentModificationException
    } else {
    return success;

我没有正确使用 removeAll 吗?

您将 subList() 与 removeAll 结合使用是导致此异常的原因。您可以阅读 subList 的 javadoc 以了解更多信息。