Flask 应用程序处理请求线程错误?

Process request thread error with Flask Application?


  File "/home/MY NAME/anaconda/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 596, in process_request_thread
    self.finish_request(request, client_address)
  File "/home/MY NAME/anaconda/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 331, in finish_request
    self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
  File "/home/MY NAME/anaconda/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 654, in __init__
  File "/home/MY NAME/anaconda/lib/python2.7/SocketServer.py", line 713, in finish
  File "/home/MY NAME/anaconda/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 283, in close
  File "/home/MY NAME/anaconda/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 307, in flush
error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

我构建了一个 Flask 应用程序,它将地址作为输入并执行一些字符串格式化、操作等,然后将它们发送到 Bing Maps 进行地理编码(通过 geopy 外部模块)。

我正在使用此应用程序清理非常大的数据集。该应用程序适用于通常约 1,500 个地址的输入(每行输入 1 个)。我的意思是它将处理地址并将其发送到 Bing Maps 进行地理编码然后返回。在大约 1,500 个地址后,应用程序变得无响应。如果我在工作时发生这种情况,我的代理人会告诉我有 tcp error。如果我在非工作计算机上,它就不会加载页面。如果我重新启动应用程序,那么它就可以正常运行。因此,我被迫 运行 我的程序批量处理大约 1,000 个地址(只是为了安全起见,因为我还不确定程序崩溃的确切数量)。


我在想一些与我当天达到 Bing API 关键限制(即 30,000)类似的事情,但这并不准确,因为我很少使用超过每天 15,000 个请求。

我的第二个想法是,这可能是因为我仍在使用标准烧瓶服务器 运行 我的应用程序。切换到 gunicornuWSGI 会解决这个问题吗?

我的第三个想法是它可能因请求量而超载。我尝试在前 1,000 个地址后让程序休眠 15 秒左右,但这并没有解决任何问题。


这是我的 Flask 应用程序后端代码。我从这个函数得到输入:

@app.route("/clean", methods=['POST'])
def dothing():
    addresses = request.form['addresses']
    return cleanAddress(addresses)

这是 cleanAddress 函数:它现在有点混乱,所有 if 语句都用于检查地址中的特定拼写错误,但我计划将大部分代码移到其他函数中在另一个文件中,只是通过这些函数传递地址来清理它。

def cleanAddress(addresses):

    counter = 0

    # nested helper function to fix addresses such as '30 w 60th'
    def check_st(address):
        if 'broadway' in address:
            return address
        has_th_st_nd_rd = re.compile(r'(?P<number>[\d]{1,4}(th|st|nd|rd)\s)(?P<following>.*)')
        has_number = has_th_st_nd_rd.search(address)
        if has_number is not None:
            if re.match(r'(street|st|floor)', has_number.group('following')):   
                return address
                new_address = re.sub('(?P<number>[\d]{1,4}(st|nd|rd|th)\s)', r'\g<number>street ', address, 1)
                return new_address
            return address

    addresses = addresses.split('\n')
    cleaned = []
    success = 0
    fail = 0
    cleaned.append('<body bgcolor="#FACC2E"><center><img src="http://goglobal.dhl-usa.com/common/img/dhl-express-logo.png" alt="Smiley face" height="100" width="350"><br><p>')

    cleaned.append('<br><h3>Note: Everything before the first comma is the Old Address. Everything after the first comma is the New Address</h13>')
    cleaned.append('<p><h3>To format the output in Excel, split the columns using "," as the delimiter. </p></h3>')
    cleaned.append('<p><h2><font color="red">Old Address </font> <font color="black">New Address </font></p></h2>')

    for address in addresses:
        dirty = address.strip()
        if ',' in address:
            dirty = dirty.replace(',', '')
        cleaned.append('<font color="red">' + dirty + ', ' + '</font>')

        address = address.lower()
        address = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9#]+', ' ', address).lstrip()

        pattern = r"\d+.* +(\d+ .*(" + "|".join(patterns) + "))"
        address = re.sub(pattern, "\1", address)

        address = check_st(address) 

        if 'one ' in address:
            address = address.replace('one', '1')
        if 'two' in address:
            address = address.replace('two', '2')
        if 'three' in address:
            address = address.replace('three', '3')
        if 'four' in address:
            address = address.replace('four', '4')
        if 'five' in address:
            address = address.replace('five', '5')
        if 'eight' in address:
            address = address.replace('eight', '8')
        if 'nine' in address:
            address = address.replace('nine', '9')
        if 'fith' in address:
            address = address.replace('fith', 'fifth')
        if 'aveneu' in address:
            address = address.replace('aveneu', 'avenue')
        if 'united states of america' in address:
            address = address.replace('united states of america', '')
        if 'ave americas' in address:
            address = address.replace('ave americas', 'avenue of the americas')
        if 'americas avenue' in address:
            address = address.replace('americas avenue', 'avenue of the americas')
        if 'avenue of americas' in address:
            address = address.replace('avenue of americas', 'avenue of the americas')
        if 'avenue of america ' in address:
            address = address.replace('avenue of america ', 'avenue of the americas ')
        if 'ave of the americ' in address:
            address = address.replace('ave of the americ', 'avenue of the americas')
        if 'avenue america' in address:
            address = address.replace('avenue america', 'avenue of the americas')
        if 'americaz' in address:
            address = address.replace('americaz', 'americas')
        if 'ave of america' in address:
            address = address.replace('ave of america', 'avenue of the americas')
        if 'amrica' in address:
            address = address.replace('amrica', 'americas')
        if 'americans' in address:
            address = address.replace('americans', 'americas')
        if 'walk street' in address:
            address = address.replace('walk street', 'wall street')
        if 'northend' in address:
            address = address.replace('northend', 'north end')
        if 'inth' in address:
            address = address.replace('inth', 'ninth')
        if 'aprk' in address:
            address = address.replace('aprk', 'park')
        if 'eleven' in address:
            address = address.replace('eleven', '11')
        if ' av ' in address:
            address = address.replace(' av ', ' avenue')
        if 'avnue' in address:
            address = address.replace('avnue', 'avenue')
        if 'ofthe americas' in address:
            address = address.replace('ofthe americas', 'of the americas')
        if 'aj the' in address:
            address = address.replace('aj the', 'of the')
        if 'fifht' in address:
            address = address.replace('fifht', 'fifth')
        if 'w46' in address:
            address = address.replace('w46', 'w 46')
        if 'w42' in address:
            address = address.replace('w42', 'w 42')
        if '95st' in address:
            address = address.replace('95st', '95th st')
        if 'e61 st' in address:
            address = address.replace('e61 st', 'e 61st')
        if 'driver information' in address:
            address = address.replace('driver information', '')
        if 'e87' in address:
            address = address.replace('e87', 'e 87')
        if 'thrd avenus' in address:
            address = address.replace('thrd avenus', 'third avenue')
        if '3r ' in address:
            address = address.replace('3r ', '3rd ')
        if 'st ates' in address:
            address = address.replace('st ates', '')
        if 'east52nd' in address:
            address = address.replace('east52nd', 'east 52nd')
        if 'authority to leave' in address:
            address = address.replace('authority to leave', '')
        if 'sreet' in address:
            address = address.replace('sreet', 'street')
        if 'w47' in address:
            address = address.replace('w47', 'w 47')
        if 'signature required' in address:
            address = address.replace('signature required', '')
        if 'direct' in address:
            address = address.replace('direct', '')
        if 'streetapr' in address:
            address = address.replace('streetapr', 'street')
        if 'steet' in address:
            address = address.replace('steet', 'street')
        if 'w39' in address:
            address = address.replace('w39', 'w 39')
        if 'ave of new york' in address:
            address = address.replace('ave of new york', 'avenue of the americas')
        if 'avenue of new york' in address:
            address = address.replace('avenue of new york', 'avenue of the americas')
        if 'brodway' in address:
            address = address.replace('brodway', 'broadway')
        if 'w 31 ' in address:
            address = address.replace('w 31 ', 'w 31th ')
        if 'w 34 ' in address:
            address = address.replace('w 34 ', 'w 34th ')
        if 'w38' in address:
            address = address.replace('w38', 'w 38')
        if 'broadeay' in address:
            address = address.replace('broadeay', 'broadway')
        if 'w37' in address:
            address = address.replace('w37', 'w 37')
        if '35street' in address:
            address = address.replace('35street', '35th street')
        if 'eighth avenue' in address:
            address = address.replace('eighth avenue', '8th avenue')
        if 'west 33' in address:
            address = address.replace('west 33', 'west 33rd')
        if '34t ' in address:
            address = address.replace('34t ', '34th ')
        if 'street ave' in address:
            address = address.replace('street ave', 'ave')
        if 'avenue of york' in address:
            address = address.replace('avenue of york', 'avenue of the americas')
        if 'avenue aj new york' in address:
            address = address.replace('avenue aj new york', 'avenue of the americas')
        if 'avenue ofthe new york' in address:
            address = address.replace('avenue ofthe new york', 'avenue of the americas')
        if 'e4' in address:
            address = address.replace('e4', 'e 4')
        if 'avenue of nueva york' in address:
            address = address.replace('avenue of nueva york', 'avenue of the americas')
        if 'avenue of new york' in address:
            address = address.replace('avenue of new york', 'avenue of the americas')
        if 'west end new york' in address:
            address = address.replace('west end new york', 'west end avenue')

        #print address    
        address = address.split(' ')
        for pattern in patterns:
                if address[0].isdigit():
                    location = address.index(pattern) + 1
                    number_location = address[location]
                    #print address[location]
                    #if 'th' in address[location + 1] or 'floor' in address[location + 1] or '#' in address[location]:
                    #    continue
            except (ValueError, IndexError):
            if number_location.isdigit() and len(number_location) <= 4:
                address = [number_location] + address[:location] + address[location+1:]
        address = ' '.join(address)

        if '#' in address:
            address = address.replace('#', '')

        #print (address)

        i = 0
        for char in address:
            if char.isdigit():
                address = address[i:]
            i += 1

        #print (address)

        if 'plz' in address:
            address = address.replace('plz', 'plaza ', 1)
        if 'hstreet' in address:
            address = address.replace('hstreet', 'h street')
        if 'dstreet' in address:
            address = address.replace('dstreet', 'd street')
        if 'hst' in address:
            address = address.replace('hst', 'h st')
        if 'dst' in address:
            address = address.replace('dst', 'd st')
        if 'have' in address:
            address = address.replace('have', 'h ave')
        if 'dave' in address:
            address = address.replace('dave', 'd ave')
        if 'havenue' in address:
            address = address.replace('havenue', 'h avenue')
        if 'davenue' in address:
            address = address.replace('davenue', 'd avenue')

        #print address

        regex = r'(.*)(' + '|'.join(patterns) + r')(.*)'
        address = re.sub(regex, r'', address).lstrip() + " nyc"

        print (address)

        if 'americasas st' in address:
            address = address.replace('americasas st', 'americas')


            clean = geolocator.geocode(address)
            x = clean.address
            address, city, zipcode, country = x.split(",")
            address = address.lower()
            if 'first' in address:
                address = address.replace('first', '1st')
            if 'second' in address:
                address = address.replace('second', '2nd')
            if 'third' in address:
                address = address.replace('third', '3rd')
            if 'fourth' in address:
                address = address.replace('fourth', '4th')
            if 'fifth' in address:
                address = address.replace('fifth', '5th')
            if ' sixth a' in address:
                address = address.replace('ave', '')
                address = address.replace('avenue', '')
                address = address.replace(' sixth', ' avenue of the americas')
            if ' 6th a' in address:
                address = address.replace('ave', '')
                address = address.replace('avenue', '')
                address = address.replace(' 6th', ' avenue of the americas')
            if 'seventh' in address:
                address = address.replace('seventh', '7th')
            if 'fashion' in address:
                address = address.replace('fashion', '7th')
            if 'eighth' in address:
                address = address.replace('eighth', '8th')
            if 'ninth' in address:
                address = address.replace('ninth', '9th')
            if 'tenth' in address:
                address = address.replace('tenth', '10th')
            if 'eleventh' in address:
                address = address.replace('eleventh', '11th')

            zipcode = zipcode[3:]
            to_write = str(address) + ", " + str(zipcode.lstrip()) + ", " + str(clean.latitude) + ", " + str(clean.longitude)
            to_find = str(address)

            #print to_write

            # returns 'can not be cleaned' if street address has no numbers
            if any(i.isdigit() for i in str(address)):
                with open('/home/MY NAME/Address_Database.txt', 'a+') as database:
                    if to_find not in database.read():
                        database.write(dirty + '|' + to_write + '\n')
                if 'ncy rd' in address:
                    cleaned.append('<font color="red"> Can not be cleaned </font> <br>')
                    fail += 1
                elif 'nye rd' in address:
                    cleaned.append('<font color="red"> Can not be cleaned </font> <br>')
                    fail += 1
                elif 'nye c' in address:
                    cleaned.append('<font color="red"> Can not be cleaned </font> <br>')
                    fail += 1                    
                    cleaned.append(to_write + '<br>')
                    success += 1
                cleaned.append('<font color="red"> Can not be cleaned </font> <br>')
                fail += 1
        except AttributeError:
            cleaned.append('<font color="red"> Can not be cleaned </font> <br>')
            fail += 1
        except ValueError:
            cleaned.append('<font color="red"> Can not be cleaned </font> <br>')
            fail += 1
        except GeocoderTimedOut as e:
            cleaned.append('<font color="red"> Can not be cleaned </font> <br>')
            fail += 1

    total = success + fail
    percent = float(success) / float(total) * 100
    percent = round(percent, 2)
    print percent
    cleaned.append('<br>Accuracy: ' + str(percent) + ' %')

    return "\n".join(cleaned)

更新: 我已经切换到 运行 使用 gunicorn 应用程序,这解决了我从家庭网络访问应用程序时的问题,但是,我仍然收到来自我的工作代理的 TCP 错误。我的控制台中没有收到任何错误消息,浏览器只显示 TCP 错误。我可以看出该工具仍在后台运行,因为我在循环中有一个打印语句告诉我每个地址仍在进行地理编码。这可能是因为我的工作网络不喜欢页面长时间保持加载然后只显示代理错误页面吗?

我遇到了类似的问题,使用合适的网络服务器解决了这个问题。我在 nginx

中使用了 UWSGI

听起来好像 运行 超出了文件句柄(普通用户的默认限制为 1024),您可以通过 运行 grep 'open' /proc/<webapp pid>ls -1 /proc/<pid>/fd | wc -l 检查当前打开的文件句柄。

我认为您的代码没有发送正确的响应,这导致连接保持打开状态,最终 运行 超出打开的文件句柄(打开的套接字是 posix 系统上的文件) .

当您看到问题时,可以通过 netstat -an | grep <webapp port> 确认连接处于什么状态。它应该有 1k+ IP 和端口及其状态的列表。

会猜测它们处于 TIME_WAIT 状态,这表明客户端没有正确关闭连接,由内核稍后对它们进行垃圾回收。


from flask import make_response

@app.route("/clean", methods=['POST'])
def dothing():
    addresses = request.form['addresses']
    resp = make_response(cleanAddress(addresses), 200)
    return resp