当 运行 dropterm 时,并行 foreach 将数据更改为 NA

Parallel foreach changes data to NA when running dropterm

我有一个 GAMLSS 模型,我正在尝试适应我数据的多个子集。每个月都需要单独分析,所以我使用 foreach 循环遍历月份。然而,当我并行化我的循环时,dropterm 的结果全部被 NA'd。这是一个使用内置数据的类似示例:

nCores <- detectCores()
gamlssCl <- makeCluster(nCores)
test.par <- foreach(s = unique(iris$Species), 
                    .packages = c('dplyr', 'gamlss', 'MASS')) %dopar% {
  species.data <- filter(iris, Species == s)
  model <- gamlss(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length, 
                  data = species.data, 
                  family = GA)
  var.rank <- dropterm(model, test = 'Chisq') %>%
    mutate(Variable = row.names(.)) %>% 
    arrange(AIC) %>%
    filter(Variable != '<none>')

# [[1]]
# Df AIC LRT Pr(Chi)     Variable
# 1 NA  NA  NA      NA Sepal.Length
# 2 NA  NA  NA      NA  Sepal.Width
# 3 NA  NA  NA      NA Petal.Length
# [[2]]
# Df AIC LRT Pr(Chi)     Variable
# 1 NA  NA  NA      NA Sepal.Length
# 2 NA  NA  NA      NA  Sepal.Width
# 3 NA  NA  NA      NA Petal.Length
# [[3]]
# Df AIC LRT Pr(Chi)     Variable
# 1 NA  NA  NA      NA Sepal.Length
# 2 NA  NA  NA      NA  Sepal.Width
# 3 NA  NA  NA      NA Petal.Length

test.serial <- foreach(s = unique(iris$Species)) %do% {
  species.data <- filter(iris, Species == s)
  model <- gamlss(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length, 
                  data = species.data, 
                  family = GA)
  var.rank <- dropterm(model, test = 'Chisq') %>%
    mutate(Variable = row.names(.)) %>% 
    arrange(AIC) %>%
    filter(Variable != '<none>')

# [[1]]
# Df       AIC        LRT   Pr(Chi)     Variable
# 1  1 -31.66335 0.06406465 0.8001832  Sepal.Width
# 2  0 -29.72741 0.00000000        NA Petal.Length
# 3  1 -29.43731 2.29010516 0.1302011 Sepal.Length
# [[2]]
# Df      AIC       LRT      Pr(Chi)     Variable
# 1  0 31.03608  0.000000           NA Petal.Length
# 2  1 33.81852  4.782442 2.875132e-02  Sepal.Width
# 3  1 56.00459 26.968510 2.067972e-07 Sepal.Length
# [[3]]
# Df      AIC         LRT      Pr(Chi)     Variable
# 1  1 16.29265  0.08628226 7.689578e-01  Sepal.Width
# 2  0 18.20637  0.00000000           NA Petal.Length
# 3  1 77.14978 60.94341742 5.873901e-15 Sepal.Length

注意:使用 glm 而不是 gamlss


抱歉,还没有解决方案,但这里有一个最小的例子来说明这个问题,它不依赖于 foreach。


data <- subset(iris, Species == "setosa")
model <- gamlss(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length, 
                data = data, family = GA)
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = -37.7274 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = -37.7274

model2 <- dropterm(model, test = "Chisq")
## Single term deletions for
## mu
## Model:
## Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length
##              Df     AIC     LRT Pr(Chi)
## <none>          -29.727                
## Sepal.Length  1 -29.437 2.29011  0.1302
## Sepal.Width   1 -31.663 0.06406  0.8002
## Petal.Length  0 -29.727 0.00000


saveRDS(list(model = model, model2 = model2), file = "gamlss.rds")

然后 在新的 R 会话中 (R --vanilla),执行:

> library("gamlss")
Loading required package: splines
Loading required package: gamlss.data
Loading required package: gamlss.dist
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: nlme
Loading required package: parallel
 **********   GAMLSS Version 5.0-1  ********** 
For more on GAMLSS look at http://www.gamlss.org/
Type gamlssNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.

> gamlss <- readRDS("gamlss.rds")
> model <- gamlss$model
> class(model)
[1] "gamlss" "gam"    "glm"    "lm"   

> model2 <- dropterm(model, test = "Chisq")
Model with term  Sepal.Length has failed 
Model with term  Sepal.Width has failed 
Model with term  Petal.Length has failed 

> print(model2)
Single term deletions for

Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length
             Df     AIC LRT Pr(Chi)
<none>          -29.727            

比较 model2 在新 R 会话中与上面第一个会话的输出;

> all.equal(model2, gamlss$model2)
[1] "Component “Df”: 'is.NA' value mismatch: 1 in current 4 in target"     
[2] "Component “AIC”: 'is.NA' value mismatch: 0 in current 3 in target"    
[3] "Component “LRT”: 'is.NA' value mismatch: 1 in current 4 in target"    
[4] "Component “Pr(Chi)”: 'is.NA' value mismatch: 2 in current 4 in target"


我怀疑 model 对象包含一个或多个所谓的 promises 在转移到另一个 R 进程时没有正确保存(就像当你使用 SNOW 集群)。

我认为这是 gamlss 包本身的问题。问题似乎是 gamlss 对象无法 序列化 。我建议您将此报告给软件包维护者。请随意在您的报告中使用我的最小示例。