
How can I pass down an array of objects as a prop to a component and then pass down the array's members as props to nested components?

在这个 post 编辑的底部,我解决了我想要完成的事情以及几乎有效的事情

以下是我的应用程序,在应用程序上方定义了 <oo-upload><oo-uploads> 组件。本质上 <oo-uploads> 显示 table 个 <oo-upload> 组件来为我的应用构建文件上传插件。 uploads 变量是所有上传的列表,upload 定义每个单独的上传。


    <script type="x/template" id="oo-upload-template">
        <td>@{{ upload.file.name }}</td>
        <td>@{{ upload.file.size }}</td>
            <div class="ui indicating progress floated" v-progress="upload.progress">
                <div class="bar"><div class="progress"></div></div>
            <button class="ui primary button" v-on:click="upload" v-if="status < 1">Upload</button>
            <button class="ui red button" v-on:click="destroy" v-if="status == 2">Delete</button>

    <script type="x/template" id="oo-uploads-template">
        <table class="ui very basic table">
                    <th class="two wide">Filename</th>
                    <th class="two wide">Filesize</th>
                    <th class="ten wide">Status</th>
                    <th class="two wide">Actions</th>

                <tr v-show="uploads.length==0">
                    <td colspan="4" class="ui center aligned">No files added!</td>
                <tr v-for="upload in uploads">
                    <oo-upload :upload="upload"></oo-upload>

            <tfoot class="full-width">
                    <th colspan="4">
                        <div class="ui right floated small green labeled icon button" v-on:click="uploadDialog">
                            <i class="plus icon"></i> Upload File
                            <input type="file" style="display:none;" v-el:uploader v-on:change="addFiles" multiple>

    <div id="app">
        <div class="ui container">
            <oo-uploads :uploads="uploads"></oo-uploads>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/app.js"></script>

问题是 objUpload 对象没有传递给 <oo-upload> 组件的每个实例。相反,Vue 调试器说组件正在传递一个函数,而不是一个对象。 <oo-uploads> 接收 uploads 作为道具没有任何问题。

var Vue = require('vue'),
    VueRouter = require('vue-router'),
    VueResource = require('vue-resource'),
    Vuex = require('vuex'),
    VueValidator = require('vue-validator');




Vue.directive('progress', {
    bind: function () {
    update: function (value) {
        $(this.el).progress('set percent', value);


function objUpload (file) {
    this.progress = 0;
    this.file = file;
    this.status = 0;


Vue.component('oo-upload', {
    props: ['upload'],
    template: '#oo-upload-template',
    methods: {
        upload: function () {
            this.upload.status = 1;
            this.$http.post('/upload', this.upload.file, { progress: function (pe) {
                this.progress = Math.floor(pe.loaded/pe.total * 100);
            }}).then(function (result) {
                this.upload.status = 2;
            }, function (result) {
                this.upload.status = -1;
        destroy: function () {


Vue.component('oo-uploads', {
    props: ['uploads'],
    template: '#oo-uploads-template',
    methods: {
        uploadDialog: function () {
        addFiles: function () {
            var uploader = this.$els.uploader;
            for (var i = 0; i < uploader.files.length; i++) {
                var file = uploader.files[i];
                this.uploads.push(new objUpload(file));


Vue.http.headers.common['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = $('meta[name="_token"]').attr('content');


var vm = new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data: {
        uploads: [],

编辑:如果我将 uploads 数组直接传递给 <oo-uploads> 中的单个 <oo-upload> 实例,它会很好地传递整个数组,但由于某种原因它赢了't 遍历数组并仅传递 objUpload 个对象。


根据Vue.js documentation

It is therefore recommended to always have a single root-level, plain element in templates.

尝试用 tr 包裹 oo-upload-template 并更改

<tr v-for="upload in uploads">
  <oo-upload :upload="upload"></oo-upload>

<tr is="oo-upload" v-for="upload in uploads" :upload="upload"></tr>

Example fixed fiddle