Firebase 如何比较数据规则中的变量(== vs ===)?

How does Firebase compares a variable (== vs ===) in Data Rules?

Information that is given below is straight from Firebase website.

  "rules": {
    "users": {
      "$user": {
        ".read": "auth.uid === $user",
        ".write": "auth.uid === $user"

When a client tries to access /users/barney, the $user default location will match with $user being equal to "barney". So the .read rule will check if auth.uid === 'barney'. As a result, reading /users/barney will succeed only if the client is authenticated with a uid of "barney".

Firebase 擅长记录,但我没有找到任何关于使用“==”或“===”的深入讨论。据我所知,它的工作原理与 JavaScript 一样。


if auth.uid === 'barney'. As a result, reading /users/barney will succeed only if the client is authenticated with a uid of "barney".


"$user": {
        ".read": "auth.uid == $user",
        ".write": "auth.uid == $user"


我认为 Firebase 将所有 === 视为 ==(同样将所有 !== 视为 !=)。

我的证据是 Bolt Compiler 将 bolt 文件中的三重运算符转换为规则 JSON 输出中的双重运算符。

如果您查阅 Firebase 数据库安全规则 API documentation, you will see the following definitions for equals:

=== (equals)

Note:: == IS TREATED AS ===. If you use == in your security rules, it will be translated to === when the rules are run.

not equals:

!== (not equals)

Note: != IS TREATED AS !==. If you use != in your security rules, it will be translated to !== when the rules are run.