Spring Cloud Netflix:Eureka 客户端会更喜欢选择同一区域的远程服务吗?
Spring Cloud Netflix: Will Eureka client prefer to choose the remote service in same zone?
document 说:
Eureka clients tries to talk to Eureka Server in the same zone. If there are problems talking with the server or if the server does not exist in the same zone, the clients fail over to the servers in the other zones.
所以我知道客户端会先查询同一区域的服务器。但我的问题是客户会更愿意选择同一区域的远程服务吗?不同的区域可以映射到不同的服务器机房,因此跨到另一个区域的 RPC 可能会带来更多的网络延迟。
By default it will be used to locate a server in the same zone as the
client because the default is a ZonePreferenceServerListFilter
document 说:
Eureka clients tries to talk to Eureka Server in the same zone. If there are problems talking with the server or if the server does not exist in the same zone, the clients fail over to the servers in the other zones.
所以我知道客户端会先查询同一区域的服务器。但我的问题是客户会更愿意选择同一区域的远程服务吗?不同的区域可以映射到不同的服务器机房,因此跨到另一个区域的 RPC 可能会带来更多的网络延迟。
同区优先,负载均衡使用Ribbon完成。 http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/spring-cloud.html#_using_ribbon_with_eureka
By default it will be used to locate a server in the same zone as the client because the default is a