可以将语音或面部识别添加到 sirikit 作为身份验证的一部分吗?

Can speech or face recognition be added to sirikit as part of authentication?

我正在使用新推出的带有支付域应用程序的 sirikit 来使用 SendMoney 意图。是否可以从 siri 中提取语音以进行语音识别作为身份验证的一部分,或者我们可以启动摄像头进行人脸识别。

任何线索将不胜感激。 谢谢

SiriKit 为您处理用户身份验证。您不能也不应该自定义默认行为。

When sending a payment, Siri automatically asks the user to unlock the device if it is currently locked. You do not need to ask for the device to be unlocked explicitly. In addition, Siri always prompts the user to confirm the payment before asking your Intents extension to handle the transaction.
