如何持久存储 NSManagedObjectID?

How to store a NSManagedObjectID persistently?

为避免成为 XY 问题,这里有一些背景知识:

我的应用程序允许用户创建和保存很多设置,有点像 Xcode 的字体和颜色选择器:


我使用 Core Data 来存储用户保存的设置。用户创建的每个设置都是 NSManagedObject 子类的一个实例。现在我需要永久存储所选设置,以便用户在重新打开应用程序时选择与之前相同的设置。

我的第一个想法是将 NSManagedObject 子类实例存储在 NSUserDefaults 中。但是根据文档,除非将其转换为 NSData:


A default object must be a property list, that is, an instance of (or for collections a combination of instances of): NSData, NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, NSArray, or NSDictionary.

然后我尝试存储 NSManagedObject 子类实例的 objectID。我看到有一个 URIRepresentation() 方法 returns 和 NSURL。所以我认为这会起作用:

NSData(contentsOfURL: selectedOption!.objectID.URIRepresentation())


现在我意识到这是一个愚蠢的想法,因为即使我可以将它转换为 NSData,我也无法将 NSData 转换回 NSManagedObjectID

根据 this question,OP 似乎能够存储对象 ID:

I store the selected theme objectID in NSUserDefaults so that when the app restarts, the selected theme will still be intact.


NSUserDefaults 有 "convenience methods"

public func setURL(url: NSURL?, forKey defaultName: String)
public func URLForKey(defaultName: String) -> NSURL?

允许存储和检索 NSURL 就像获得的一样 通过 URIRepresentation()。与 NSData 之间的转换 透明处理。来自 documentation:

When an NSURL is stored using -[NSUserDefaults setURL:forKey:], some adjustments are made:

  1. Any non-file URL is written by calling +[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:] using the NSURL instance as the root object.
  2. ...

When an NSURL is read using -[NSUserDefaults URLForKey:], the following logic is used:

  1. If the value for the key is an NSData, the NSData is used as the argument to +[NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:]. If the NSData can be unarchived as an NSURL, the NSURL is returned otherwise nil is returned.
  2. ...

因此保存托管对象 ID 的操作非常简单

                                             forKey: "selected")

并检索对象 ID 和对象,例如:

if let url = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().URLForKey("selected"),
    let oid = context.persistentStoreCoordinator!.managedObjectIDForURIRepresentation(url),
    let object = try? context.existingObjectWithID(oid) {

    // ...
