CLASS_NAME 未声明 - 不能 dynamic_cast(目标不是指针或对完整类型的引用)

CLASS_NAME not declared - cannot dynamic_cast (target is not pointer or reference to complete type)


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class A{


class B: public A{
          void f(A *ptr){
               if(dynamic_cast<C *>(ptr)!=0){            // errors in this line
                   cout<<"ptr is pointing to C object\n";

class C: public B{


int main(){

  A *aptr = new C();
  B *bptr = new B();

  return 0;


'C' has not been declared.

所以我在 class B 的代码上方添加了一个前向声明 class C; 然后尝试再次编译它,但它给出了错误:

cannot dynamic_cast 'ptr' (of type 'class A*') to type 'struct C*' (target is not pointer or reference to complete type)

1) 为什么在第一个错误中,class B 在同一个 .cpp 文件中时无法看到其派生的 class C

2) 为什么在第二个错误中编译器说 class C 不是指向完整类型的指针?



class B: public A{
      void f(A *ptr);    
class C : public B { /* ... */ };

void B::f(A *ptr) {
           if(dynamic_cast<C *>(ptr)!=0){
               cout<<"ptr is pointing to C object\n";

如 C++ 标准所述[expr.dynamic.cast],

The result of the expression dynamic_cast<T>(v) is the result of converting the expression v to type T. T shall be a pointer or reference to a complete class type, or “pointer to cv void.”