xdebug 忽略错误抑制 - 未安装尖叫

xdebug ignoring error suppression - scream not installed

我已经安装了 xdebug,并且正在 Ubuntu 14.10 笔记本电脑上使用 Sublimetext 3 进行开发。我的问题是使用 xdebug 解析的 @ 符号抑制了错误。因此,在我整洁的 mvc 架构中的任何自动加载器都意味着我必须反复按 run 快捷键,以最终查看我的更改是否有效。非常烦人。更重要的是我没有启用 scream 。在我的 phpinfo() 中搜索 scream 只会产生 xdebug.scream = Off.

所以...在我的自动加载器中,以下内容将触发 xdebug 警告。

@include $class . ".php";

我是否必须特别告诉 xdebug 不要忽略错误?有没有办法让我以编程方式声明我希望 xdebug 忽略 @include( 警告但触发 include( 警告?


SublimeText 3 xdebug settings

    // For remote debugging to resolve the file locations
    // it is required to configure the path mapping
    // with the server path as key and local path as value.
    // Make sure to use absolute path when defining server path,
    // because Xdebug debugger engine does not return symbolic links.
    // Example:
    // "/absolute/path/to/file/on/server" : "/path/to/file/on/computer",
    // "/var/www/htdocs/example/" : "C:/git/websites/example/"
    "path_mapping": {


    // Determine which URL to launch in the default web browser
    // when starting/stopping a session.
    "url": "",

    // An IDE key is used to identify with debugger engine
    // when Sublime Text will start or stop a debugging session.
    // This package does not filter sessions by IDE key,
    // it will accept any IDE key, also ones that do not match this configured IDE key.
    // It is merely used when launching the default web browser with the configured URL.
    "ide_key": "",

    // Which port number Sublime Text should listen
    // to connect with debugger engine.
    "port": 9000,

    // Show super globals in context view.
    "super_globals": true,

    // Maximum amount of array children
    // and object's properties to return.
    "max_children": 32,

    // Maximum amount of
    // variable data to initially retrieve.
    "max_data": 1024,

    // Maximum amount of nested levels to retrieve
    // of array elements and object properties.
    "max_depth": 1,

    // Break at first line on session start, when debugger engine has connected.
    "break_on_start": false,

    // Break on exceptions, suspend execution
    // when the exception name matches an entry in this list value.
    "break_on_exception": [
        "Fatal error",
        // E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR (since PHP 5.2.0)
        "Catchable fatal error",

    // Always close debug windows and restore layout on session stop.
    "close_on_stop": false,

    // Do not show possible password values in context output.
    "hide_password": false,

    // Show in output parsed response instead of raw XML.
    "pretty_output": false,

    // Always launch browser on session start/stop.
    // Note: This will only work if you have the 'url' setting configured.
    "launch_browser": false,

    // When launching browser on session stop do not execute script.
    // By using parameter XDEBUG_SESSION_STOP_NO_EXEC instead of XDEBUG_SESSION_STOP.
    "browser_no_execute": false,

    // Do not use the debugging window layout.
    "disable_layout": false,

    // Window layout that is being used when debugging.
    "debug_layout" : {
        "cols": [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
        "rows": [0.0, 0.7, 1.0],
        "cells": [[0, 0, 2, 1], [0, 1, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2]]

    // Group and index positions for debug views.
    "breakpoint_group": 2,
    "breakpoint_index": 1,
    "context_group": 1,
    "context_index": 0,
    "stack_group": 2,
    "stack_index": 0,
    "watch_group": 1,
    "watch_index": 1,

    // Custom gutter icons for indicating current line or enabled/disabled breakpoints.
    // Do not use same icon for following values, because Sublime Text is unable
    // to use the same icon for different scopes, in case there are duplicate icons
    // detected it will fall back to the corresponding icon in the package.
    "breakpoint_enabled": "circle",
    "breakpoint_disabled": "dot",
    "breakpoint_current": "",
    "current_line": "bookmark",

    // Path to Python installation on your system.
    // Which is being used to load missing modules.
    // It is recommended to configure your Python path for Sublime Text 2
    // especially on older UNIX systems, where some modules (xml.parsers.expat)
    // might be missing and could improve performance of package.
    // Example:
    // "python_path" : "/usr/lib/python2.7"
    "python_path" : "",

    // Show detailed log information about communication
    // between debugger engine and Sublime Text.
    // Log can be found at Packages/User/Xdebug.log
    "debug": false


            "follow_symlinks": true,
            "path": "/media/DATA/www/mysite.loc"
    "settings": {
        "xdebug": {
            "url": "http://mysite.loc/",

我没有sublime text,我是PhpStorm的粉丝,所以我无法为你验证任何东西。但是,您应该能够添加不包括通知、警告等的 break_on_exception 配置,看看是否适合您:


"break_on_exception": [
    "Fatal error",
    // E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR (since PHP 5.2.0)
    "Catchable fatal error",
    // "Warning",
    // // E_PARSE
    // "Parse error",
    // "Notice",
    // // E_STRICT
    // "Strict standards",
    // // E_DEPRECATED, E_USER_DEPRECATED (since PHP 5.3.0)
    // "Deprecated",
    // // 0
    // "Xdebug",
    // // default
    // "Unknown error"

[更新 2015-03-06]

如果您的 IDE 甚至因被抑制的错误而中断,那么我怀疑这是一个选择。但是,我的建议是让它不要因任何错误而中断,因为您可以很容易地在错误日志中看到带有尾巴的错误,而且我认为被抑制的错误不会出现在那里。但是,这对您来说是个问题,这听起来像是您在对很多错误使用错误抑制……只是我的两分钱,但情况永远不应该如此。



$var = @$_POST['name']


$var = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : null;

那么,你应该重新考虑你的所作所为,停止使用压制。例如,最好写一个包装器 class:

class Input {
    private $_input;

    public function __construct( array $data ) {
        $this->_input= $data;
    public function get( $name ) {
        return isset($this->_input[$name]) ? $this->_input[$name] : null;

这样做不仅可以让您不必抑制错误,而且可以使您的代码更加灵活——尤其值得一提的是——如果注入了输入,则能够通过单元测试 运行。

$data = new Input($_POST);
$var = $data->get('name');