如何使用 coldfusion 从字符串中删除单词或字符

How to remove words or chars from a string using coldfusion

我是 coldfusion 的新手,我的目标是根据某些单词删除字符串的一部分。


<cfset myVar = "One of the myths associated with the Great Wall of China is that it is the only man-made structure"/>¨

我怎样才能删除单词“相关的神话之一”以便 有
长城是中国唯一的人造建筑 as string?


RemoveChars(string, start, count)

但我需要使用 RegEx 或本机 coldfusion 函数创建一个函数。

您可以将句子视为由空格分隔的列表。所以如果你想截断你的句子以"Great Wall of China"开头,你可以试试

<cfloop list="#myVar#" index="word" delimiters=" ">
  <cfif word neq "Great">
     <cfset myVar = listRest(#myVar#," ")>

可能有更快捷的方法。这是 cfLib.org 中的一个函数,它可以以类似的方式更改列表:LINK.


您可以通过查找单词 'Great' 在字符串中的位置来完成。使用现代 CFML,您可以这样做:

myVar = "One of the myths associated with the Great Wall of China is that it is the only man-made structure";

// where is the word 'Great'?
a = myVar.FindNoCase("Great");

substring = myVar.removeChars(1, a-1);

如果你想从两端切掉字符,使用 mid 会给你更多的灵活性。

myVar = "One of the myths associated with the Great Wall of China is that it is the only man-made structure";

// where is the word 'Great'?
a = myVar.FindNoCase("Great");

// get the substring
substring = myVar.mid(a, myVar.len());

在旧版本的 CF 中将写为:

myVar = "One of the myths associated with the Great Wall of China is that it is the only man-made structure";

// where is the word 'Great'
a = FindNoCase("Great", myVar);

// get the substring
substring = mid(myVar, a, len(myVar));


myVar = "One of the myths associated with the Great Wall of China is that it is the only man-made structure";

// strip all chars before 'Great'
substring = myVar.reReplaceNoCase(".+(Great)", "");
