在 ColdFusion 查询中连接表

Joining Tables in a ColdFusion Query

我正在执行两个查询,以根据同一数据库中两个 table 的数据构建 table。我现在拥有的代码在下面,但我知道我这样做会造成不必要的负担。我一直在尝试加入 tables 以获得相同的结果,但没有成功。有输入吗?

<cfquery name="GetWeekends">
   SELECT id, weekend_type, community_id, start_date, end_date, language
   FROM _weekends
   WHERE weekend_type = 1 and start_date > Now()
   ORDER BY start_date ASC

<cfloop query="GetWeekends">                
    <cfquery name="GetCommunity">
        SELECT community_id, location, language, state, country
        FROM _communities
        WHERE community_id = #getweekends.community_id#
        <td>#DateFormat(start_date, "mm/dd/yyyy")#</td>



<cfquery name="GetWeekends">
SELECT w.id, w.weekend_type, w.community_id, w.start_date, w.end_date,
  c.community_id, c.location, c.language, c.state, c.country
FROM _weekends w
  INNER JOIN _communities c
    ON w.community_id=c.community_id
WHERE w.weekend_type = 1 and w.start_date > Now()
ORDER BY w.start_date ASC