C# XML UWP 中的序列化

C# XML Serialization in UWP

我正在尝试将多个列表序列化为一个唯一的 xml 文件。 我的项目是一个 UWP,目前它似乎序列化了我的 3 列表,但文件显示为空。 以前有用户帮我写了部分代码。 我如何正确序列化它。

To execute my code only use: "project();"


using Project.Common;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using Windows.Storage;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Project
    public class All_Classes
        public class List1 : BindableBase
            private int _Property1;
            public int Property1
                get { return _Property1; }
                set { SetProperty(ref _Property1, value); }

            private bool _Property2;
            public bool Property2
                get { return _Property2; }
                set { SetProperty(ref _Property2, value); }

            private bool _Property3;
            public bool Property3
                get { return _Property3; }
                set { SetProperty(ref _Property3, value); }

        public class List2 : BindableBase

            private bool _Property1;
            public bool Property1
                get { return _Property1; }
                set { SetProperty(ref _Property1, value); }

            private bool _Property2;
            public bool Property2
                get { return _Property2; }
                set { SetProperty(ref _Property2, value); }

        public class List3 : BindableBase
            private double _Property1;
            public double Property1
                get { return _Property1; }
                set { SetProperty(ref _Property1, value); }

            private double _Property2;
            public double Property2
                get { return _Property2; }
                set { SetProperty(ref _Property2, value); }

            private double _Property3;
            public double Property3
                get { return _Property3; }
                set { SetProperty(ref _Property3, value); }

            private double _Property4;
            public double Property4
                get { return _Property4; }
                set { SetProperty(ref _Property4, value); }


        public class Values_List1 : ObservableCollection<List1>
        public class Values_List2 : ObservableCollection<List2>
        public class Values_List3 : ObservableCollection<List3>

        public static class ApplicationServices
            public static Values_List1 List1 = new Values_List1();
            public static Values_List2 List2 = new Values_List2();
            public static Values_List3 List3 = new Values_List3();

            static ApplicationServices()

        public static void AddNewData()
            ApplicationServices.List1.Add(new List1()
                Property1 = 1,
                Property2 = true,
                Property3 = false,


            ApplicationServices.List2.Add(new List2()
                Property1 = false,
                Property2 = true,

            ApplicationServices.List3.Add(new List3()
                Property1 = 3.564,
                Property2 = 0.215,
                Property3 = 0.7252,
                Property4 = 23.463,

        public static async void SaveObjectToXml<T>(T objectToSave)
            var savePicker = new Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileSavePicker();
            savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary;
            savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("New File", new List<string>() { ".xml" });
            savePicker.SuggestedFileName = "New File";
            StorageFile newfile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();

            var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));

            Stream stream = await newfile.OpenStreamForWriteAsync();

            using (stream)
                serializer.Serialize(stream, objectToSave);


        public class myCompoundClass
            public List1 List1 { get; set; }
            public List2 List2 { get; set; }
            public List3 List3 { get; set; }

        public static void project()
            myCompoundClass new_instance = new myCompoundClass();


I wanna get something similar to this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Root xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">


您从未在 myCompoundClass:

中设置任何 属性 值 List1List2List3
        myCompoundClass new_instance = new myCompoundClass();
        // new_instance was not passed to AddNewData and so its properties have their default values of null.

因此它的所有属性仍将是 null。这就是为什么您的 XML 文件是空的。在序列化之前,您需要将数据从 static class ApplicationServices 移动到 new_instance


你问,如何用 ApplicationServices 填充 "new_instance"?你的问题是你想序列化你的 ApplicationServices class但它是静态的 class,因此不能按原样序列化。我的建议是:

  1. 重命名您的类型。您有 List1 而非列表 的类型。我建议如下:

    public class Values1 : BindableBase // Formerly List1
        // Contents unchanged
    public class Values2 : BindableBase // Formerly List2
        // Contents unchanged
    public class Values3 : BindableBase // Formerly List3
        // Contents unchanged
    public class Values1List : ObservableCollection<Values1>
    public class Values2List : ObservableCollection<Values2>
    public class Values3List : ObservableCollection<Values3>


    此外,我建议您不要将它们嵌套在All_Classes class 中。这样做会增加复杂性而不是清晰度。

  2. 将静态值列表设为只读:

    public static class ApplicationServices
        public static readonly Values1List List1 = new Values1List();
        public static readonly Values2List List2 = new Values2List();
        public static readonly Values3List List3 = new Values3List();
        static ApplicationServices()
  3. 由于不能序列化静态类型,引入如下数据传输对象进行序列化:

    public class ApplicationServicesDTO
        public Values1List List1 { get { return ApplicationServices.List1; } }
        public Values2List List2 { get { return ApplicationServices.List2; } }
        public Values3List List3 { get { return ApplicationServices.List3; } }


    • 请注意,List 属性是只读的。一般XmlSerializer不会序列化get-only属性,但是会在预分配集合时序列化get-only 集合属性

    • [XmlRoot("Root")] 指示该类型应使用名为 <Root>.

    • 的根元素进行序列化
    • [XmlElement] 应用于集合 属性 表示集合应该被序列化为没有外部容器元素的重复元素序列。


var new_instance = new ApplicationServicesDTO();

您的静态列表将以您想要的 XML 格式序列化。

请注意,如果您稍后想要反序列化您的 XML,您可能需要先清除 ApplicationServices 中预先存在的列表。有关解释,请参阅