在 Android Wear 中以低位模式进入 BW 是否真的为所有设备节省电池?

Does going BW in low-bit mode in Android Wear actually save battery for ALL devices?

我最近在 Google Play 商店上有一个 Android Wear 表盘:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.watchfuldesign.wearboy&hl=en


"Please add options to add a small day of month on the gameboy screen as well as not going black and white since that doesn't save battery for everyone."

这是真的吗?我曾认为通过在环境模式下变成黑白模式可以节省电池电量 - 特定设备不是这样吗?

我在 Android 的开发者网站上阅读了以下内容:

"One reduced color space power saving method is to use a "low-bit" mode. In low-bit mode, the available colors are limited to black, white, blue, red, magenta, green, cyan, and yellow. When designing for low-bit ambient mode, use a black or a white background. For OLED screens, you must use a black background. Non-background pixels must be less than 10 percent of total pixels. You can use low-bit color for up to 5 percent of pixels on screens that support it." https://developer.android.com/design/wear/watchfaces.html#SpecialScreens

我认为这似乎与评论者所说的相矛盾,但我不确定。有谁知道哪些模式应该进入 BW,哪些模式不需要进入省电模式?

(我的表盘在颜色上看起来好多了,所以我不想在省电模式下让它变成黑白 - 这真的可以帮助我的销量下滑!)



例如查看这篇文章:http://blog.stevemould.com/phone-battery-save-black-wallpaper/ AMOLED 上像素的全亮度比黑色像素使用 5.8 倍的电池。



我们给出这些建议是有原因的。请遵守它们,我们保证您将为您的用户提供最佳体验(在电池寿命、保护屏幕和仍然保持良好状态方面 UI)。