Leaflet markercluster:如何创建带有编号标记的markercluster?

Leaflet markercluster: How can I create a markercluster with numbered markers?

我正在尝试创建一个具有带 ID 标记的标记集群,因为稍后我想从地图中删除单个标记。但是,我什至无法让这些带标签的标记出现在地图上。我正在从 geoJSON 格式的变量 individualPoints 加载它们。我可以使用以下代码片段直接将这些标记添加到地图中:

// create object to save markers
var markersID = {};

// exchanges latitude & longitude
function switchLatLong(oldLocation) {
  return new L.LatLng(oldLocation[1], oldLocation[0]);

var geoJsonLayer = L.geoJson(individualPoints, {
  onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {
    /* can add directly to the map--this works */
    markersID[feature.properties.id] = 

但我希望它们在一个集群中,所以我想我需要用一个 ID 标记每个标记(如 this question),然后将这个组添加到集群中,如下所示:

var geoJsonLayer = L.geoJson(individualPoints, {
  onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {
    /* tag the marker with the id */
    markersID[feature.properties.id] = 

// create a marker cluster group, and add the markers to this.
var markers = L.markerClusterGroup({});
/* here's where I'm trying to toggle to use the markers with ID numbers */
//markers.addLayer(geoJsonLayer); // this works
markers.addLayers(markersID);   // this doesn't

添加 geoJsonLayer 就可以了,但是添加 markersID 就不行了。所以我必须错误地添加 markersID 。 这是一个jsfiddle。 https://jsfiddle.net/anfw0n6w/

问题: 有没有更好的方法来创建具有 ID 的标记,我可以稍后参考?我还能如何将 markersID 添加到 markerClusterGroup?

Is there some better way to create markers that have an ID that I can refer to later?


How else can I add markersID to the markerClusterGroup?

因为你的 markersID 是一个普通对象,你不能。 addLayer 接受标记或图层组(如您的 L.geoJson),addLayers 接受标记的 数组


发生的情况是,在您的 onEachFeature 中,您 复制了 您在 markersID 中的标记(创建新标记),而不是保留对由 L.geoJson 构建的相同 layer。如果你只保留对layer的引用,那么你可以直接引用那些标记,你可以直接将你的L.geoJson图层组添加到你的Marker Cluster Group:

var markersID = {};

var geoJsonLayer = L.geoJson(individualPoints, {
  onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {
    // make a marker with that number
    // actually no need to duplicate the marker.
    //markersID[feature.properties.id] = L.marker(switchLatLong(feature.geometry.coordinates));
    markersID[feature.properties.id] = layer;

markers.addLayer(geoJsonLayer); // this works

// This will work, you just need to get the appropriate `id`.
