KUTE.js svg 路径不变形
KUTE.js svg paths not morphing
我已经得出结论,问题出在 svg 本身,它们没有变形。
这可能是什么问题?形状非常简单,都具有相同的大小和锚点,正如它在 kute.js documentation、"closed shapes (their d attribute ends with z)."
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 600 600" >
<path id="n1" fill="orangered" d="M62,7.5l210,20l30,230l-290-60L62,7.5z"/>
<path id="n2" style="visibility:hidden" d="M0,7.5l315,32l-31,189l-280,31L0,7.5"/>
if ( s.length !== e.length ){
arL = Math.max(s.length,e.length);
if ( arL === e.length) { sm = s; lg = e; } else { sm = e; lg = s; }
sml = sm.length;
smp = S.cP('M'+sm.join('L')+'z'); len = smp.getTotalLength() / arL;
for (var i=0; i<arL; i++){
tl = smp.getPointAtLength(len*i);
cs = S.gCP(len,tl,sm);
nsm.push( [ cs[0], cs[1] ] );
if (arL === e.length) { e1 = lg; s1 = nsm; } else { s1 = lg; e1 = nsm; }
} else { // here we know the paths have same number of points
s1 = s; e1 = e;
如您所见,路径没有变形。 我已经得出结论,问题出在 svg 本身,它们没有变形。 这可能是什么问题?形状非常简单,都具有相同的大小和锚点,正如它在 kute.js documentation、"closed shapes (their d attribute ends with z)."
上所说的那样 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 600 600" >
<path id="n1" fill="orangered" d="M62,7.5l210,20l30,230l-290-60L62,7.5z"/>
<path id="n2" style="visibility:hidden" d="M0,7.5l315,32l-31,189l-280,31L0,7.5"/>
if ( s.length !== e.length ){
arL = Math.max(s.length,e.length);
if ( arL === e.length) { sm = s; lg = e; } else { sm = e; lg = s; }
sml = sm.length;
smp = S.cP('M'+sm.join('L')+'z'); len = smp.getTotalLength() / arL;
for (var i=0; i<arL; i++){
tl = smp.getPointAtLength(len*i);
cs = S.gCP(len,tl,sm);
nsm.push( [ cs[0], cs[1] ] );
if (arL === e.length) { e1 = lg; s1 = nsm; } else { s1 = lg; e1 = nsm; }
} else { // here we know the paths have same number of points
s1 = s; e1 = e;