Go:带有接口的结构的动态类型 cast/assertion(调用方法和使用结构公用)

Go: Dynamic type cast/assertion of struct's with interface (to call methods and use struct commons)

我绞尽脑汁试图让我的代码更短更清晰。问题出在一个函数中,它使用不同的 structsimplements 一个 interface

在某些情况下,我需要 model 变量来实现结构(rowModel 的切片)([]rowModel),有时我需要使用接口中的方法。 代码不短,抱歉。所以我把主要注释放在下面的代码中。


type StatModel interface {

type StatRow interface {
    Count( name string) float64

此接口是为方法调用而创建的,旨在缩短代码。但是接口不能像 OOP 中的 Abstruct class 那样具有字段或结构。其中一个模型在这里:

 type NoaggModel []NoaggRow

 type NoaggRow struct {
    Date             string
    Hour             int
    Id_user          int
    Id_line          float64
    Id_region        int
    Id_tree_devision int
    N_inb            float64
    N_out            float64
    N_hold           float64
    N_abandon        float64
    N_transfer       float64
    T_inb            float64
    T_out           float64
    T_hold           float64
    T_ring           float64
    T_acw            float64
    T_wait           float64

type FcrModel  []FcrRow

type FcrRow struct {
    Date             string
    Hour             int
    Id_user          int
    Id_line          float64
    Id_region        int
    Id_tree_devision int
    N_irr            float64
    N_inb            float64


func receiveLightWork(org <-chan models.OrgPack, request ChartOptions) interface{} {

    modelClusters := make(map[string][]models.OrgPack)

    // here  I fill data into modelClusters

    output := make(map[string][]OrgStat)

    // here I begin loop over clusters of different model types

    for modelName, slice := range modelClusters {

        //here I can't choose what to write
        // model must be convertable to NoaggModel, that is []NoaggRow{}
        // as others AcsiModel, FcrModel ...etc. 
        // Also model.ClusterData(customFilter) must be callable as it is in interface of common model

        var model []interface{} 

        var rowModel interface{}

        switch modelName {

        case "noagg":
            model = model.(models.NoaggModel)
            rowModel = rowModel.(models.NoaggRow{})
        case "acsi":
            model = model.(models.AcsiModel)
            rowModel = rowModel.(models.AcsiRow)
        case "fcr24":
            model = model.(models.FcrModel)
            rowModel = rowModel.(models.FcrRow)
        case "aic":
            model = model.(models.AicModel)
            rowModel = rowModel.(models.AicRow)

        for _, el := range slice {

            modelFields := reflect.ValueOf(&rowModel).Elem()
            sliceFields := reflect.ValueOf(&el.SummorisedData).Elem()

            fieldsTypes := modelFields.Type()

            for i := 6; i < modelFields.NumField(); i++ {
                fmt.Println(" model_field ", fieldsTypes.Field(i).Name )
                modelField := modelFields.Field(i);
                sliceField := sliceFields.Index(i-6) ;


            id_line := sliceFields.Index(len(el.SummorisedData) - 1) ;
            date := sliceFields.FieldByName("PackName");


     // here append not works, because model is []interface{} and not []NoaggRow or others.
     // Writes [non-interface type []interface {} on left]
            model = append(model, rowModel)

 // here I need to call interface method for model     
        model.ClusterData(customFilter) // now here is unresolved Reference 'ClusterData'

        for _, mod := range model {
          // here some common logick for creating data for chart output

    return output


更新 1:


func typeSwitch(model string) (interface{}, interface{}){

    switch model{
        case "noagg":
            fmt.Println("Model type:", model)
            return &models.NoaggModel{}, &models.NoaggRow{}
        case "acsi":
            fmt.Println("Model type:", model)
            return &models.AcsiModel{}, &models.AcsiRow{}
        case "fcr24":
            fmt.Println("Model type:", model)
            return &models.FcrModel{}, &models.FcrRow{}
        case "aic":
            fmt.Println("Model type:", model)
            return &models.AicModel{}, &models.AicRow{}
            return false,false

func receiveLightWork(org <-chan models.OrgPack, request ChartOptions) interface{} {

    modelClusters := make(map[string][]models.OrgPack)

    for orgPack := range org {
        // here I fill data into clusters

    output := make(map[string][]OrgStat)

   // here I need common code to put data from clusters in correct structures and call interface methods

    for modelName, slice := range modelClusters {

        model, rowModel := typeSwitch(modelName)

        var data_slice []interface{}

        for _, el := range slice {

            modelFields := reflect.ValueOf(rowModel).Elem()
            fieldsCounter := modelFields.NumField()

            sliceFields := reflect.ValueOf(&el.SummorisedData).Elem()
            sliceObjFields := reflect.ValueOf(&el).Elem()

            fieldsTypes := modelFields.Type()

            for i := 6; i < fieldsCounter; i++ {
                fmt.Println(" model_field ", fieldsTypes.Field(i).Name )
                modelField := modelFields.Field(i);
                sliceField := sliceFields.Index(i-6) ;


            id_line := sliceFields.Index(len(el.SummorisedData) - 1) ;
            date := sliceObjFields.FieldByName("PackName");


            fmt.Println("row_data : ", rowModel)
            data_slice = append(data_slice, rowModel)

    // here comes : invalid type assertion: data_slice.(model) (non-interface type []interface {} on left           
        dataModel := data_slice.(model)
    // here I need correctly created instance of model 
    // (NoaggModel or FcrModel) with data inside its struct 
    // to work with it and call interface methods that are shown in interface above


    return output


首先创建新函数将 []interface{} 转换为模型 :

func GetModel(modelName string, data []interface{}) interface{} {
    switch modelName {
        case "noagg" :
            m := make(NoaggModel, len(data))
            for i, v := range data {
                m[i] = v.(NoaggRow)
            return m
        case .....
        //and case so on

您的代码 "dataModel := data_slice.(model)" 替换如下:

dataModel := GetModel(modelName, data_slice)
//now your dataModel is ready to convert to StatModel
if statModel, ok := dataModel.(StatModel); ok {
    statModel.FilterData(?) //just example


我相信您已经知道,但是使用这么多 interface{} 实体会使代码难以阅读,并且失去了使用类型安全语言的许多优势。



for !done {
  select {
    case model := <- noaggModelChan:
    case model := <- fcrModelChan:
    case done = <- doneChan:

我得到了很多支持:此 Whosebug 站点上有 2 个答案,Slack 来自 Gophers 的聊天室提供了很多帮助和支持。

正如我在与更熟练的开发人员的夜间谈话中意识到的那样,我正在尝试创建 OOP 语言中常用的 "generics"(例如 php 的最新版本)。

我想要(并且仍然想要)创建一种紧凑的方法,它可以很好地与任何模型结构的类型名称一起使用。但是即使使用 reflection 我也没有找到解决方案,因为可以不输入准确的 struct type 来断言。


"The code of the method should not depend of the amount of model structures, that can appear."


func newItem(modelName string, el models.OrgPack) interface{} {

    var item models.StatRow

    switch modelName {
    case "noagg":
        item = &models.NoaggRow{}
    case "fcr24":
        item = &models.FcrRow{}
    case "acsi":
        item = &models.AcsiRow{}
    case "aic":
        item = &models.AicRow{}
    case "aux":
        item = &models.AuxRow{}
    case "cti":
        item = &models.CtiRow{}
    case "srv":
        item = &models.SrvRow{}
    case "sale":
        item = &models.SaleRow{}
    case "pds":
        item = &models.PdsRow{}
    case "wfm":
        item = &models.WfmRow{}

    modelFields := reflect.ValueOf(item).Elem()

    fieldsCounter := modelFields.NumField()

    sliceFields := reflect.ValueOf(&el.SummorisedData).Elem()
    sliceObjFields := reflect.ValueOf(&el).Elem()

    fieldsTypes := modelFields.Type()

    for i := 6; i < fieldsCounter; i++ {
        fmt.Println(" model_field ", fieldsTypes.Field(i).Name)
        modelField := modelFields.Field(i);
        sliceField := sliceFields.Index(i - 6);


    id_line := sliceFields.Index(len(el.SummorisedData) - 1);
    date := sliceObjFields.FieldByName("PackName");


    return item


func formatOutput(output map[string][]OrgStat, sourceName string, modelName string, charts []Chart, mod models.StatRow, cluster string) map[string][]OrgStat {

    if sourceName == modelName {
        var stats []OrgStat
        for _, chart := range charts {
            stats = append(stats, OrgStat{Name:chart.Name, Value: mod.Count(chart.Name)})
        _, group_exist := output[cluster]
        if group_exist {
            inserted_stat := output[cluster]
            output[cluster] = append(stats, inserted_stat...)
        }else {
            output[cluster] = stats

    return output

func receiveLightWork(org <-chan models.OrgPack, request ChartOptions) interface{} {

    modelClusters := make(map[string][]models.OrgPack)

    for orgPack := range org {
        _, ok := modelClusters[orgPack.ModelName]
        if ok {
            model := modelClusters[orgPack.ModelName]
            model = append(model, orgPack)
            modelClusters[orgPack.ModelName] = model

        }else {
            var modelSlice []models.OrgPack
            modelSlice = append(modelSlice, orgPack)
            modelClusters[orgPack.ModelName] = modelSlice

    output := make(map[string][]OrgStat)

    for modelName, slice := range modelClusters {

        switch modelName {
        case "noagg":
            model := models.NoaggModel{}

            for _, el := range slice {
                newElement := newItem(modelName, el)
                model = append(model, *(newElement.(*models.NoaggRow)))
            customFilter := request.Filters
            customFilter.Cluster = "clusterDay"


            for _, mod := range model {
                for sourceName, charts := range request.Charts {
                    output = formatOutput(output, sourceName, modelName, charts, mod, mod.Date)
        case "acsi":
            model := models.AcsiModel{}

            for _, el := range slice {
                newElement := newItem(modelName, el)
                model = append(model, *(newElement.(*models.AcsiRow)))
            customFilter := request.Filters
            customFilter.Cluster = "clusterDay"


            for _, mod := range model {
                for sourceName, charts := range request.Charts {
                    output = formatOutput(output, sourceName, modelName, charts, mod, mod.Date)
        case "fcr24":
            model := models.FcrModel{}

            for _, el := range slice {
                newElement := newItem(modelName, el)
                model = append(model, *(newElement.(*models.FcrRow)))
            customFilter := request.Filters
            customFilter.Cluster = "clusterDay"


            for _, mod := range model {
                for sourceName, charts := range request.Charts {
                    output = formatOutput(output, sourceName, modelName, charts, mod, mod.Date)
        case "aic":
            model := models.AicModel{}

            for _, el := range slice {
                newElement := newItem(modelName, el)
                model = append(model, *(newElement.(*models.AicRow)))
            customFilter := request.Filters
            customFilter.Cluster = "clusterDay"


            for _, mod := range model {
                for sourceName, charts := range request.Charts {
                    output = formatOutput(output, sourceName, modelName, charts, mod, mod.Date)
        case "aux":
            model := models.AuxModel{}

            for _, el := range slice {
                newElement := newItem(modelName, el)
                model = append(model, *(newElement.(*models.AuxRow)))
            customFilter := request.Filters
            customFilter.Cluster = "clusterDay"


            for _, mod := range model {
                for sourceName, charts := range request.Charts {
                    output = formatOutput(output, sourceName, modelName, charts, mod, mod.Date)
        case "cti":
            model := models.CtiModel{}

            for _, el := range slice {
                newElement := newItem(modelName, el)
                model = append(model, *(newElement.(*models.CtiRow)))
            customFilter := request.Filters
            customFilter.Cluster = "clusterDay"


            for _, mod := range model {
                for sourceName, charts := range request.Charts {
                    output = formatOutput(output, sourceName, modelName, charts, mod, mod.Date)
        case "srv":
            model := models.SrvModel{}

            for _, el := range slice {
                newElement := newItem(modelName, el)
                model = append(model, *(newElement.(*models.SrvRow)))
            customFilter := request.Filters
            customFilter.Cluster = "clusterDay"


            for _, mod := range model {
                for sourceName, charts := range request.Charts {
                    output = formatOutput(output, sourceName, modelName, charts, mod, mod.Date)
        case "sale":
            model := models.SaleModel{}

            for _, el := range slice {
                newElement := newItem(modelName, el)
                model = append(model, *(newElement.(*models.SaleRow)))
            customFilter := request.Filters
            customFilter.Cluster = "clusterDay"


            for _, mod := range model {
                for sourceName, charts := range request.Charts {
                    output = formatOutput(output, sourceName, modelName, charts, mod, mod.Date)
        case "pds":
            model := models.PdsModel{}

            for _, el := range slice {
                newElement := newItem(modelName, el)
                model = append(model, *(newElement.(*models.PdsRow)))
            customFilter := request.Filters
            customFilter.Cluster = "clusterDay"


            for _, mod := range model {
                for sourceName, charts := range request.Charts {
                    output = formatOutput(output, sourceName, modelName, charts, mod, mod.Date)
        case "wfm":
            model := models.WfmModel{}

            for _, el := range slice {
                newElement := newItem(modelName, el)
                model = append(model, *(newElement.(*models.WfmRow)))
            customFilter := request.Filters
            customFilter.Cluster = "clusterDay"


            for _, mod := range model {
                for sourceName, charts := range request.Charts {
                    output = formatOutput(output, sourceName, modelName, charts, mod, mod.Date)

    return output


如果有人知道如何实现最后一个目标(receiveLightWork 方法的代码不取决于模型数量),我将很高兴听到!

根据您在 newItem 函数中跳过前六个字段的方式,这些属性似乎是:

type BaseModel struct {
    Date             string
    Hour             int
    Id_user          int
    Id_line          float64
    Id_region        int
    Id_tree_devision int

所有型号通用。为什么不 embed 这些值?

您的 OrgPack 结构是否有某些原因不能仅包含 nextIdLine int 值或类似的东西?我认为这可能会导致比使用反射和切片长度计算行 ID 值更清晰的代码。


func newItem(modelName string, el models.OrgPack) interface{}

func (el OrgPack) NewNoagg() Noagg
func (el OrgPack) NewFcr() Fcr


type RowFactory interface { New(el OrgPack) StatRow }
type NoaggFactory struct{}
func (_ NoaggFactory) New(el OrgPack) StatRow

在后一种情况下,您可以将 RowFactory 属性附加到 OrgPacks 而不是 ModelNames,或者附加到 ModelNames,这样您就可以生成正确的StatRow 个值,无需切换字符串值。

正如您所指出的,receiveLightWork 中的每个 switch 案例本质上都是相同的:您创建了一片新元素,"cluster" 它们以某种方式格式化输出,然后 return它。

切片的创建可以通过类似于 Factory 的界面来完成,如上所述。 ClusterData已经是接口方法了。 FormatOutput可能应该

如果将取决于您正在使用的数据类型的逻辑移动到这些类型的方法中,我认为应该可以实现看起来 like thisreceiveLightWork:

    func receiveLightWork(org <-chan models.OrgPack, request ChartOptions) map[string][]OrgStat {
        modelClusters := make(map[string][]models.OrgPack)

        for orgPack := range org {
            if model, ok := modelClusters[orgPack.ModelName]; ok {
                modelClusters[orgPack.ModelName] = append(model, orgPack)
            } else {
                modelClusters[orgPack.ModelName] = []models.OrgPack{orgPack}

        customFilter := request.Filters
        customFilter.Cluster = "clusterDay"

        output := make(map[string][]OrgStat)
        for modelName, slice := range modelClusters {
            if len(slice) == 0 {
            model := slice[0].ModelFactory.New()
            for _, el := range slice {
            for sourceName, charts := range request.Charts {
                output = model.FormatOutput(output, sourceName, charts)
        return output