当 parentScope 数组在 Angular 中的 childScope 发生变化时,如何更新它?

How can I update a parentScope array when it changes in the childScope in Angular?


<div class='main' ng-controller='mainController'>
    <div class='search' ng-controller='searchController'>
        <input type='text' ng-model='keyword'>
        <button ng-click='search(keyword)'>Search!</button


var app = angular.module('mapApp', [])
    .controller('mainController', [
        ($scope, searchFactory)=>{

            $scope.results = [];

            $scope.$watchCollection('results', (newVal, oldVal)=>{
                console.log('results updated to, ', newVal);
            }, true);


然后我尝试在我的子控制器中更新主控制器的 $scope.results 变量。

 app.controller('searchController', ['$scope', 'searchFactory', ($scope, searchFactory)=>{
        $scope.search = function(keyword, type){
            let request = {
                location: $scope.location,
                radius: '500',
                type: type ? type : undefined,
                keyword: keyword
            searchFactory.search(request, (result)=>{
                console.log('result from search was', result);
                $scope.results = result;

我的 $watch 函数没有被调用,我认为这是因为 $scope.results 没有被更新。我已经尝试使用三种类型的 $watch 函数,如 Angular Docs under the $scope.watch depths section. I read this article 所示,切换到范围的原型继承样式,但我不确定这是解决我的问题的最佳方法,因为我我不确定我走的路是否正确。也许我应该使用 event emitters/broadcasters 来达到我想要的效果?

如何更新 searchController 的父作用域 (mainController) 中的 results 变量,以便 searchController 的兄弟姐妹可以访问它?



.controller('mainController', [
            $scope.searchData = {results:[]};

            $scope.setResults = function(newResults){
                $scope.searchData.results = newResults;
                console.log('new results is', $scope.searchData.results);

            //this function doesn't invoke except on initiation
            $scope.$watch('searchData.results', (newVal, oldVal)=>{
                console.log('results updated to, ', newVal);
            }, true);


当代码 工作时,这是主控制器:

.controller('mainController', [
            $scope.searchData = {results:[]};

            //comment out the evil console log and... it works??!!
            $scope.setResults = function(newResults){
                $scope.searchData.results = newResults;
                //console.log('new results is', $scope.searchData.results);

            //this invokes now, because black magic? 
            $scope.$watch('searchData.results', (newVal, oldVal)=>{
                console.log('results updated to, ', newVal);
            }, true);



使用 $scope.results = result; 在子作用域上设置一个新结果 属性 来隐藏父作用域的结果 属性。

要解决此问题,您可以使用一个对象来保存结果 属性:

$scope.searchData = {results: []};

$scope.$watchCollection('searchData.results', (newVal, oldVal)=>{
    console.log('results updated to, ', newVal);
}, true);

然后在您的子控制器中仅设置此 属性:

$scope.searchData.results = result;