Creating a protocol that represents hashable objects that can be on or off
我正在尝试创建一个简单的协议来说明对象是处于 "on" 状态还是 "off" 状态。对那是什么的解释取决于实施对象。对于 UISwitch
状态。对于 Car
protocol OnOffRepresentable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool
func isInOffState() -> Bool
现在我可以像这样扩展上述 UI 控件:
extension UISwitch: OnOffRepresentable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool { return on }
func isInOffState() -> Bool { return !on }
extension UIButton: OnOffRepresentable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool { return selected }
func isInOffState() -> Bool { return !selected }
let booleanControls: [OnOffRepresentable] = [UISwitch(), UIButton()]
booleanControls.forEach { print([=12=].isInOnState()) }
太棒了!现在我想制作一个将这些控件映射到 UILabel
var toggleToLabelMapper: [OnOffRepresentable : UILabel] = [:]
// error: type 'OnOffRepresentable' does not conform to protocol 'Hashable'
哦!正确的!傻我。好的,让我使用协议组合更新协议(毕竟,我想在这里使用的控件都是 Hashable:UISwitch、UIButton 等):
protocol OnOffRepresentable: Hashable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool
func isInOffState() -> Bool
error: protocol 'OnOffRepresentable' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
error: using 'OnOffRepresentable' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'Hashable' is not supported
好的...所以我做了一些堆栈溢出挖掘和搜索。我发现许多文章看起来很有前途,例如 Set and protocols in Swift, , and I see that there are some great articles out there on type erasure
that seem to be exactly what I need: http://krakendev.io/blog/generic-protocols-and-their-shortcomings, http://robnapier.net/erasure, and https://realm.io/news/type-erased-wrappers-in-swift/ 仅举几例。
这就是我卡住的地方。我试过通读所有这些内容,并尝试创建一个 class 将是 Hashable
并且也符合我的 OnOffRepresentable
我不知道我是否必须让 OnOffRepresentable
协议继承自 Hashable
。它看起来不像是您想要表示为打开或关闭的东西 必须 也可以散列。所以在我下面的实现中,我只将 Hashable
一致性添加到类型擦除包装器。这样,您可以尽可能直接引用 OnOffRepresentable
项目(没有 "can only be used in a generic constraint" 警告),并且只在需要将它们放入集合或使用它们时将它们包裹在 HashableOnOffRepresentable
protocol OnOffRepresentable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool
func isInOffState() -> Bool
extension UISwitch: OnOffRepresentable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool { return on }
func isInOffState() -> Bool { return !on }
extension UIButton: OnOffRepresentable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool { return selected }
func isInOffState() -> Bool { return !selected }
struct HashableOnOffRepresentable : OnOffRepresentable, Hashable {
private let wrapped:OnOffRepresentable
private let hashClosure:()->Int
private let equalClosure:Any->Bool
var hashValue: Int {
return hashClosure()
func isInOnState() -> Bool {
return wrapped.isInOnState()
func isInOffState() -> Bool {
return wrapped.isInOffState()
init<T where T:OnOffRepresentable, T:Hashable>(with:T) {
wrapped = with
hashClosure = { return with.hashValue }
equalClosure = { if let other = [=10=] as? T { return with == other } else { return false } }
func == (left:HashableOnOffRepresentable, right:HashableOnOffRepresentable) -> Bool {
return left.equalClosure(right.wrapped)
func == (left:HashableOnOffRepresentable, right:OnOffRepresentable) -> Bool {
return left.equalClosure(right)
var toggleToLabelMapper: [HashableOnOffRepresentable : UILabel] = [:]
let anySwitch = HashableOnOffRepresentable(with:UISwitch())
let anyButton = HashableOnOffRepresentable(with:UIButton())
var switchLabel:UILabel!
var buttonLabel:UILabel!
toggleToLabelMapper[anySwitch] = switchLabel
toggleToLabelMapper[anyButton] = buttonLabel
创建带有 associatedType
的协议(或使其符合另一个带有 associatedType
的协议,如 Hashable
首先我们不需要两个完全相反的函数吧? ;)
protocol OnOffRepresentable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool
func isInOffState() -> Bool
protocol OnOffRepresentable {
var on: Bool { get }
extension UISwitch: OnOffRepresentable { }
extension UIButton: OnOffRepresentable {
var on: Bool { return selected }
将 OnOffRepresentable 与 UILabel 配对
现在我们不能将 OnOffRepresentable
用作 Dictionary
的 Key
,因为我们的协议必须是 Hashable
let elms: [(OnOffRepresentable, UILabel)] = [
(UISwitch(), UILabel()),
(UIButton(), UILabel()),
我正在尝试创建一个简单的协议来说明对象是处于 "on" 状态还是 "off" 状态。对那是什么的解释取决于实施对象。对于 UISwitch
状态。对于 Car
protocol OnOffRepresentable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool
func isInOffState() -> Bool
现在我可以像这样扩展上述 UI 控件:
extension UISwitch: OnOffRepresentable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool { return on }
func isInOffState() -> Bool { return !on }
extension UIButton: OnOffRepresentable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool { return selected }
func isInOffState() -> Bool { return !selected }
let booleanControls: [OnOffRepresentable] = [UISwitch(), UIButton()]
booleanControls.forEach { print([=12=].isInOnState()) }
太棒了!现在我想制作一个将这些控件映射到 UILabel
var toggleToLabelMapper: [OnOffRepresentable : UILabel] = [:]
// error: type 'OnOffRepresentable' does not conform to protocol 'Hashable'
哦!正确的!傻我。好的,让我使用协议组合更新协议(毕竟,我想在这里使用的控件都是 Hashable:UISwitch、UIButton 等):
protocol OnOffRepresentable: Hashable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool
func isInOffState() -> Bool
error: protocol 'OnOffRepresentable' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
error: using 'OnOffRepresentable' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'Hashable' is not supported
好的...所以我做了一些堆栈溢出挖掘和搜索。我发现许多文章看起来很有前途,例如 Set and protocols in Swift, type erasure
that seem to be exactly what I need: http://krakendev.io/blog/generic-protocols-and-their-shortcomings, http://robnapier.net/erasure, and https://realm.io/news/type-erased-wrappers-in-swift/ 仅举几例。
这就是我卡住的地方。我试过通读所有这些内容,并尝试创建一个 class 将是 Hashable
并且也符合我的 OnOffRepresentable
我不知道我是否必须让 OnOffRepresentable
协议继承自 Hashable
。它看起来不像是您想要表示为打开或关闭的东西 必须 也可以散列。所以在我下面的实现中,我只将 Hashable
一致性添加到类型擦除包装器。这样,您可以尽可能直接引用 OnOffRepresentable
项目(没有 "can only be used in a generic constraint" 警告),并且只在需要将它们放入集合或使用它们时将它们包裹在 HashableOnOffRepresentable
protocol OnOffRepresentable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool
func isInOffState() -> Bool
extension UISwitch: OnOffRepresentable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool { return on }
func isInOffState() -> Bool { return !on }
extension UIButton: OnOffRepresentable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool { return selected }
func isInOffState() -> Bool { return !selected }
struct HashableOnOffRepresentable : OnOffRepresentable, Hashable {
private let wrapped:OnOffRepresentable
private let hashClosure:()->Int
private let equalClosure:Any->Bool
var hashValue: Int {
return hashClosure()
func isInOnState() -> Bool {
return wrapped.isInOnState()
func isInOffState() -> Bool {
return wrapped.isInOffState()
init<T where T:OnOffRepresentable, T:Hashable>(with:T) {
wrapped = with
hashClosure = { return with.hashValue }
equalClosure = { if let other = [=10=] as? T { return with == other } else { return false } }
func == (left:HashableOnOffRepresentable, right:HashableOnOffRepresentable) -> Bool {
return left.equalClosure(right.wrapped)
func == (left:HashableOnOffRepresentable, right:OnOffRepresentable) -> Bool {
return left.equalClosure(right)
var toggleToLabelMapper: [HashableOnOffRepresentable : UILabel] = [:]
let anySwitch = HashableOnOffRepresentable(with:UISwitch())
let anyButton = HashableOnOffRepresentable(with:UIButton())
var switchLabel:UILabel!
var buttonLabel:UILabel!
toggleToLabelMapper[anySwitch] = switchLabel
toggleToLabelMapper[anyButton] = buttonLabel
创建带有 associatedType
的协议(或使其符合另一个带有 associatedType
的协议,如 Hashable
首先我们不需要两个完全相反的函数吧? ;)
protocol OnOffRepresentable {
func isInOnState() -> Bool
func isInOffState() -> Bool
protocol OnOffRepresentable {
var on: Bool { get }
extension UISwitch: OnOffRepresentable { }
extension UIButton: OnOffRepresentable {
var on: Bool { return selected }
将 OnOffRepresentable 与 UILabel 配对
现在我们不能将 OnOffRepresentable
用作 Dictionary
的 Key
,因为我们的协议必须是 Hashable
let elms: [(OnOffRepresentable, UILabel)] = [
(UISwitch(), UILabel()),
(UIButton(), UILabel()),