在编译时用已知的 N 重复到 std::tuple
repeat to std::tuple with known N at compile time
我想在编译时解析指定数量的元素。我试过 repeat()[]
using namespace x3;
std::tuple<float, float, float> tup;
std::string str{"0.3 0.2 0.1"};
auto ret = parse(std::begin(str), std::end(str), repeat(3)[ float_ >> (' ' | eol) ] , tup);
error: static assertion failed: Expecting a single element fusion sequence
static_assert(traits::has_size<Attribute, 1>::value
parse(std::begin(str), std::end(str), float_ >> ' ' >> float_ >> ' ' >> float_ ] , tup);
如您所见,here x3::repeat(3)[x3::float_]
的合成属性是 vector<float>
并且与您的属性不匹配(基本上是大小为 3 的融合序列)。请注意,合成属性不依赖于您传递的值。
为了得到你想要的东西,你需要另一个指令,一个指令的类型取决于你传递的值。然后该指令将生成一个序列,其中它的主题重复 N 次(只需 "delegating" 到 x3::sequence
或 repeat(integral_constant<int,N>)[parser]
之类的东西。在下面的代码中,我选择了使用 boost::hana::integral_constant
custom::repeat(3_c)[ x3::float_ >> (' ' | x3::eol | x3::eoi) ]
完整代码 (Running on WandBox)
#include <type_traits>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
namespace custom
struct repeat_gen
template <int Size>
struct repeat_gen_lvl1
//using overloads with integral constants to avoid needing to partially specialize a function
//this actually builds the sequence of parsers
template <typename Parser,int N>
auto generate_sequence(Parser const& parser, std::integral_constant<int,N>) const
return generate_sequence(parser,std::integral_constant<int,N-1>{}) >> parser;
template <typename Parser>
auto generate_sequence(Parser const parser,std::integral_constant<int,1>) const
return parser;
template<typename Subject>
auto operator[](Subject const& subject) const
//here the actual sequence is generated
return generate_sequence(boost::spirit::x3::as_parser(subject), std::integral_constant<int,Size>{});
template <typename IntConstant>
operator()(IntConstant) const
//returns an object that know the size of the wanted sequence and has an operator[] that will capture the subject
return {};
template <typename IntegerType, typename Enable=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegerType>::value> >
auto operator()(IntegerType n) const
return boost::spirit::x3::repeat(n);
//this object's only purpose is having an operator()
auto const repeat = repeat_gen{};
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/std_tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/std_pair.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/as_vector.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/is_sequence.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/integral_constant.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/int.hpp>
#include "custom_repeat.hpp"
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
using namespace boost::hana::literals;
template <typename T>
void print_attr(const std::vector<T>& vec)
std::cout << "Vector: ";
for(const auto& elem : vec)
std::cout << "[" << elem << "]";
template <typename Sequence, typename Enable=std::enable_if_t<boost::fusion::traits::is_sequence<Sequence>::value> >
void print_attr(const Sequence& seq)
std::cout << "Sequence: " << boost::fusion::as_vector(seq);
template <typename Attr,typename Parser>
void parse(const std::string& str, const Parser& parser)
Attr attr;
std::string::const_iterator iter = std::begin(str), end = std::end(str);
bool ret = x3::parse(iter, end, parser, attr);
if(ret && (iter==end))
std::cout << "Success.\n";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Something failed. Unparsed: ->|" << std::string(iter,end) << "|<-" << std::endl;
struct float_holder
float val;
int main()
boost::mpl::int_<2> two;
std::integral_constant<int,1> one;
parse<std::tuple<float,float,float> >("0.3 0.2 0.1", custom::repeat(3_c)[ x3::float_ >> (' ' | x3::eol | x3::eoi) ] );
parse<std::pair<float,float> >("0.2 0.1", custom::repeat(two)[ x3::float_ >> (' ' | x3::eol | x3::eoi) ] );
parse<float_holder>("0.1", custom::repeat(one)[ x3::float_ >> (' ' | x3::eol | x3::eoi) ] );
parse<std::vector<float> >("0.3 0.2 0.1", custom::repeat(3)[ x3::float_ >> (' ' | x3::eol | x3::eoi) ] );
我想在编译时解析指定数量的元素。我试过 repeat()[]
using namespace x3;
std::tuple<float, float, float> tup;
std::string str{"0.3 0.2 0.1"};
auto ret = parse(std::begin(str), std::end(str), repeat(3)[ float_ >> (' ' | eol) ] , tup);
error: static assertion failed: Expecting a single element fusion sequence
static_assert(traits::has_size<Attribute, 1>::value
parse(std::begin(str), std::end(str), float_ >> ' ' >> float_ >> ' ' >> float_ ] , tup);
如您所见,here x3::repeat(3)[x3::float_]
的合成属性是 vector<float>
并且与您的属性不匹配(基本上是大小为 3 的融合序列)。请注意,合成属性不依赖于您传递的值。
为了得到你想要的东西,你需要另一个指令,一个指令的类型取决于你传递的值。然后该指令将生成一个序列,其中它的主题重复 N 次(只需 "delegating" 到 x3::sequence
或 repeat(integral_constant<int,N>)[parser]
之类的东西。在下面的代码中,我选择了使用 boost::hana::integral_constant
custom::repeat(3_c)[ x3::float_ >> (' ' | x3::eol | x3::eoi) ]
完整代码 (Running on WandBox)
#include <type_traits>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
namespace custom
struct repeat_gen
template <int Size>
struct repeat_gen_lvl1
//using overloads with integral constants to avoid needing to partially specialize a function
//this actually builds the sequence of parsers
template <typename Parser,int N>
auto generate_sequence(Parser const& parser, std::integral_constant<int,N>) const
return generate_sequence(parser,std::integral_constant<int,N-1>{}) >> parser;
template <typename Parser>
auto generate_sequence(Parser const parser,std::integral_constant<int,1>) const
return parser;
template<typename Subject>
auto operator[](Subject const& subject) const
//here the actual sequence is generated
return generate_sequence(boost::spirit::x3::as_parser(subject), std::integral_constant<int,Size>{});
template <typename IntConstant>
operator()(IntConstant) const
//returns an object that know the size of the wanted sequence and has an operator[] that will capture the subject
return {};
template <typename IntegerType, typename Enable=std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IntegerType>::value> >
auto operator()(IntegerType n) const
return boost::spirit::x3::repeat(n);
//this object's only purpose is having an operator()
auto const repeat = repeat_gen{};
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/std_tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/std_pair.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/as_vector.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/is_sequence.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/integral_constant.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/int.hpp>
#include "custom_repeat.hpp"
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
using namespace boost::hana::literals;
template <typename T>
void print_attr(const std::vector<T>& vec)
std::cout << "Vector: ";
for(const auto& elem : vec)
std::cout << "[" << elem << "]";
template <typename Sequence, typename Enable=std::enable_if_t<boost::fusion::traits::is_sequence<Sequence>::value> >
void print_attr(const Sequence& seq)
std::cout << "Sequence: " << boost::fusion::as_vector(seq);
template <typename Attr,typename Parser>
void parse(const std::string& str, const Parser& parser)
Attr attr;
std::string::const_iterator iter = std::begin(str), end = std::end(str);
bool ret = x3::parse(iter, end, parser, attr);
if(ret && (iter==end))
std::cout << "Success.\n";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Something failed. Unparsed: ->|" << std::string(iter,end) << "|<-" << std::endl;
struct float_holder
float val;
int main()
boost::mpl::int_<2> two;
std::integral_constant<int,1> one;
parse<std::tuple<float,float,float> >("0.3 0.2 0.1", custom::repeat(3_c)[ x3::float_ >> (' ' | x3::eol | x3::eoi) ] );
parse<std::pair<float,float> >("0.2 0.1", custom::repeat(two)[ x3::float_ >> (' ' | x3::eol | x3::eoi) ] );
parse<float_holder>("0.1", custom::repeat(one)[ x3::float_ >> (' ' | x3::eol | x3::eoi) ] );
parse<std::vector<float> >("0.3 0.2 0.1", custom::repeat(3)[ x3::float_ >> (' ' | x3::eol | x3::eoi) ] );