
What is the default supervised learning training algorithm in matlab?


[x,t] = iris_dataset;
net = patternnet;
net = configure(net,x,t);
net = train(net,x,t); 
y = net(x);
perf = perform(net,t,y);
display(['performance: ', num2str(perf)]);

我假设 matlab 使用它的默认学习算法,因为我没有指定任何算法。 matlab默认的监督学习算法是什么?

收集自 更多关于 部分底部的 documentation on train

train calls the function indicated by net.trainFcn, using the training parameter values indicated by net.trainParam.

因此,您必须在自己创建的 net 中注明。

此外,您可以提供自己的 training function:

To prepare a custom network to be trained with trainru,

  • Set net.trainFcn to 'trainru'. This sets net.trainParam to trainru's default parameters.
  • Set each net.inputWeights{i,j}.learnFcn to a learning function.
  • Set each net.layerWeights{i,j}.learnFcn to a learning function.
  • Set each net.biases{i}.learnFcn to a learning function. (Weight and bias learning parameters are automatically set to default values for the given learning function.) To train the network,

  • Set net.trainParam properties to desired values.

  • Set weight and bias learning parameters to desired values.
  • Call train.