JNLP 文件的正确 MIME 媒体类型

Proper MIME media type for JNLP files

在处理 JNLP 文件时,我 运行 跨越了 MIME 类型



MIME types in the x- namespace are considered experimental

我觉得 JNLP 很奇怪。

这是直接来自 Oracle 在 Setting Up the Web Site:

  1. Configure the Web server to use the Java Web Start MIME type

Configure the Web server so that all files with the .jnlp file extension are set to the application/x-java-jnlp-file MIME type.

Most Web browsers use the MIME type returned with the contents from the Web server to determine how to handle the particular content. The server must return application/x-java-jnlp-file MIME type for JNLP files in order for Java Web Start to be invoked.

Each Web server has a specific way in which to add MIME types. For example, for the Apache Web server you must add the following line to the .mime.types configuration file:

   application/x-java-jnlp-file JNLP

Check the documentation for the specifics of your Web server.