用于旧版 Debian 的 RabbitMQ C++ 客户端

RabbitMQ C++ client for old Debian

我有一个旧的 Debian (Lenny),我在上面开发了一个应该连接到 RabbitMQ 的应用程序。 我从 https://github.com/alanxz/rabbitmq-c/releases/tag/v0.8.0 下载了官方的 C++ 客户端 rabbitmq-c-0.8.0 ,但不幸的是,我无法在我的旧 Debian 上编译它:

wget https://github.com/alanxz/rabbitmq-c/archive/v0.8.0.tar.gz
tar zxvf v0.8.0.tar.gz
autoreconf -i


autoreconf -i
/usr/share/aclocal/libmcrypt.m4:17: warning: underquoted definition of AM_PATH_LIBMCRYPT
/usr/share/aclocal/libmcrypt.m4:17:   run info '(automake)Extending aclocal'
/usr/share/aclocal/libmcrypt.m4:17:   or see http://sources.redhat.com/automake/automake.html#Extending-aclocal
Makefile.am:6: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
Makefile.am:6:   The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL'
Makefile.am:6:   to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again.
Makefile.am:6:   If `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' is in `configure.ac', make sure
Makefile.am:6:   its definition is in aclocal's search path.
autoreconf2.50: automake failed with exit status: 1


我拥有的 libtool 版本(我也无法升级):1.5.26-4+lenny1

有谁知道如何在我使用的旧 OS 上构建 RabbitMQ 客户端?


最终,最好的解决方案是移动到 ubuntu 14+