Angular ui-grid动态计算网格高度

Angular ui-grid dynamically calculate height of the grid


<div ui-grid="gridOptions" style="height:765px"></div>



$scope.gridStyle = 'height:'+numRows*rowHeight+'px' //(765px);
<div ui-grid="gridOptions" style="{{gridStyle}}"></div>

高度打印在 div 和 div 加宽但内容本身加宽到只有 340px 左右。剩下的 space 是空白的,所以我看到的不是 25 行,而是 8 行。我必须向下滚动,而网格中有整整 400 像素的空闲空间。 ui-grid-viewport 和 ui-grid-canvas 都没有使用这个 space...

为什么 ui-grid-viewport 不能使用 space?

我使用 ui-grid - v3.0.0-rc.20 因为 scrolling issue is fixed 当你到达容器的全高时。使用 ui.grid.autoResize 模块将动态自动调整网格大小以适合您的数据。要计算网格的高度,请使用以下函数。 ui-if 是可选的,等待数据设置好后再渲染。

angular.module('app',['ui.grid','ui.grid.autoResize']).controller('AppController', ['uiGridConstants', function(uiGridConstants) {
    $scope.gridData = {
      rowHeight: 30, // set row height, this is default size

    $scope.getTableHeight = function() {
       var rowHeight = 30; // your row height
       var headerHeight = 30; // your header height
       return {
          height: ($ * rowHeight + headerHeight) + "px"
<div ui-if=">0" id="grid1" ui-grid="gridData" class="grid" ui-grid-auto-resize ng-style="getTableHeight()"></div>


1) 我做了一些测试,当使用 ng-style 时,Angular 评估 ng-style 内容,我的意思是 getTableHeight() 函数不止一次。我在 getTableHeight() 函数中放置了一个断点来分析它。

顺便说一下,ui-if 被删除了。现在你有 ng-if build-in.

2) 我比较喜欢这样写服务:

angular.module('').factory('uiGridService', function ($http, $rootScope) {

var factory = {};

factory.getGridHeight = function(gridOptions) {

    var length =;
    var rowHeight = 30; // your row height
    var headerHeight = 40; // your header height
    var filterHeight = 40; // your filter height

    return length * rowHeight + headerHeight + filterHeight + "px";
factory.removeUnit = function(value, unit) {

    return value.replace(unit, '');
return factory;



  angular.module('app',['ui.grid']).controller('AppController', ['uiGridConstants', function(uiGridConstants) {


  // Execute this when you have $scope.gridData loaded...
  $scope.gridHeight = uiGridService.getGridHeight($scope.gridData);

并且在 HTML 文件中:

  <div id="grid1" ui-grid="gridData" class="grid" ui-grid-auto-resize style="height: {{gridHeight}}"></div>

当 angular 应用样式时,它只需要查看 $scope.gridHeight 变量而不是计算一个完整的函数。

3) 如果要动态计算可展开网格的高度,则比较复杂。在这种情况下,您可以设置 expandableRowHeight 属性。这修复了每个子网格的保留高度。

    $scope.gridData = {
        enableSorting: true,
        multiSelect: false,  
        enableRowSelection: true,
        showFooter: false,
        enableFiltering: true,    
        enableSelectAll: false,
        enableRowHeaderSelection: false, 
        enableGridMenu: true,
        noUnselect: true,
        expandableRowTemplate: 'subGrid.html',
        expandableRowHeight: 380,   // 10 rows * 30px + 40px (header) + 40px (filters)
        onRegisterApi: function(gridApi) {

            gridApi.expandable.on.rowExpandedStateChanged($scope, function(row){
                var height = parseInt(uiGridService.removeUnit($scope.jdeNewUserConflictsGridHeight,'px'));
                var changedRowHeight = parseInt(uiGridService.getGridHeight(row.entity.subGridNewUserConflictsGrid, true));

                if (row.isExpanded)
                    height += changedRowHeight;                    
                    height -= changedRowHeight;                    

                $scope.jdeNewUserConflictsGridHeight = height + 'px';
        columnDefs :  [
                { field: 'GridField1', name: 'GridField1', enableFiltering: true }



<div ui-grid="gridOptions" class="my-grid"></div>


我们能够通过使用根据屏幕空间设置高度和宽度的响应式 CSS (@media) 充分解决这个问题。类似的东西(显然你可以根据你的需要添加更多):

@media (min-width: 1024px) {
  .my-grid {
    width: 772px;

@media (min-width: 1280px) {
  .my-grid {
    width: 972px;

@media (min-height: 768px) {
  .my-grid {
    height: 480px;

@media (min-height: 900px) {
  .my-grid {
    height: 615px;


tony 的方法对我有用,但是当 console.log 时,函数 getTableHeight 被调用太多次(排序,菜单点击...)

我对其进行了修改,以便仅在 add/remove 行时重新计算高度。注意:tableData 是 rows

$scope.getTableHeight = function() {
   var rowHeight = 30; // your row height
   var headerHeight = 30; // your header height
   return {
      height: ($ * rowHeight + headerHeight) + "px"

$scope.$watchCollection('tableData', function (newValue, oldValue) {


<div id="grid1" ui-grid="gridData" class="grid" ui-grid-auto-resize"></div>

一种更简单的方法是使用 css 结合动态设置 minRowsToShowvirtualizationThreshold 值。


.ui-grid, .ui-grid-viewport {
    height: auto !important;

在代码中,每次在 gridOptions 中更改 data 时调用以下函数。 maxRowToShow 是您预定义的值,对于我的用例,我将其设置为 25。


    //if data length is smaller, we shrink. otherwise we can do pagination.
    $scope.gridOptions.minRowsToShow = Math.min($, $scope.maxRowToShow);
    $scope.gridOptions.virtualizationThreshold = $scope.gridOptions.minRowsToShow ;

按照@tony 的方法,将 getTableHeight() 函数更改为

<div id="grid1" ui-grid="$ctrl.gridOptions" class="grid" ui-grid-auto-resize style="{{$ctrl.getTableHeight()}}"></div>

getTableHeight() {
    var offsetValue = 365;
    return "height: " + parseInt(window.innerHeight - offsetValue ) + "px!important";

网格也将具有关于 window 高度的动态高度。

.ui-grid, .ui-grid-viewport,.ui-grid-contents-wrapper, .ui-grid-canvas { 高度:自动!重要; }

我迟到了,但我找到了一个很好的解决方案。我创建了一个自定义属性指令,您需要做的就是传入 gridApi,它会自动计算高度。它还订阅了分页更改事件,因此如果用户更改页面大小,它将调整大小。

class UIGridAutoResize implements ng.IDirective {
    link: (scope: ng.IScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attrs: ng.IAttributes) => void;
    scope: { gridApi: "=" };
    restrict = "A";

    private previousValue: string;
    private isValid: boolean = true;
    private watch: any;

    constructor($timeout: ng.ITimeoutService) { = (scope: ng.IScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attrs: ng.IAttributes) => {
            const gridOptions = scope.$eval(attrs.uiGrid) as any;
            const gridApi = scope.$eval(attrs.gridResize) as any;

            gridApi.core.on.rowsRendered(scope, () => {
                $timeout(() => {
                    this.autoSizeGrid(element, attrs, gridOptions, gridApi, false);
                }, 100);

            gridApi.core.on.filterChanged(scope, () => {
                this.autoSizeGrid(element, attrs, gridOptions, gridApi, false);

            if (attrs.uiGridPagination === "") {
                gridApi.pagination.on.paginationChanged(null, () => {
                    this.autoSizeGrid(element, attrs, gridOptions, gridApi, true);

            angular.element(window).resize(() => {
                $timeout(() => {
                    this.autoSizeGrid(element, attrs, gridOptions, gridApi, false);
                }, 100);

    static Factory(): ng.IDirectiveFactory {
        const directive = ($timeout: ng.ITimeoutService) => {
            return new UIGridAutoResize($timeout);

        directive["$inject"] = ["$timeout"];

        return directive;

    private autoSizeGrid(element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attrs: ng.IAttributes, gridOptions: any, gridApi: any, isPaginationChanged: boolean) {

        // Clear empty grid message 
        element.find(".ui-grid-viewport").css("display", "");

        if (attrs.hidePageSize === "") {
            element.find(".ui-grid-pager-row-count-picker").css("display", "none");

        let rowCount = gridApi.core.getVisibleRows().length;

        const headerElements = element.find(".ui-grid-header");
        let headerHeight = 2;

        if (headerElements.length > 1) { // If we have more than one header element the grid is using grouping
            const headerElement = angular.element(headerElements[1]);
            headerHeight += headerElement.height();
        } else {
            headerHeight += headerElements.height();

        if (attrs.uiGridPagination === "") {
            if (rowCount < 1) {
                gridOptions.enablePagination = false;
                gridOptions.enablePaginationControls = false;
                element.css("height", (rowCount * 30) + headerHeight - 2);
                element.find(".ui-grid-viewport").css("display", "none");
                angular.element("<div id='emptyGridMessage' style='font-size: 1em; width: 100%; background-color: white; border: 1px solid #d4d4d4; padding: 7px 12px; color: #707070;'><span style='opacity: 0.95;'>There are no records.</span></div>").insertAfter(element);
            } else if (gridApi.core.getVisibleRows().length < gridOptions.paginationPageSize && !isPaginationChanged) {
                gridOptions.enablePagination = false;
                gridOptions.enablePaginationControls = false;
                element.css("height", (rowCount * 30) + headerHeight);
            } else {
                gridOptions.enablePagination = true;
                gridOptions.enablePaginationControls = true;              
                element.css("height", (rowCount * 30) + headerHeight);
        } else {
            if (rowCount < 1) {
                element.css("height", (rowCount * 30) + headerHeight - 2);
                element.find(".ui-grid-viewport").css("display", "none");
                angular.element("<div id='emptyGridMessage' style='font-size: 1em; width: 100%; background-color: white; border: 1px solid #d4d4d4; padding: 7px 12px; color: #707070;'><span style='opacity: 0.95;'>There are no records.</span></div>").insertAfter(element);
            } else {
                element.css("height", (rowCount * 30) + headerHeight);

        // Add extra margin to prevent scroll bar and pager from overlapping content underneath
        const pagerHeight = element.find(".ui-grid-pager-panel").height();

        if (rowCount > 0) {
            if (pagerHeight > 0)
                element.css("margin-bottom", pagerHeight);
                element.css("margin-bottom", 10);
        } else {
            if (pagerHeight > 0)
                angular.element(element.parent()).find("#emptyGridMessage").css("margin-bottom", pagerHeight);
                angular.element(element.parent()).find("#emptyGridMessage").css("margin-bottom", 10);

        if (rowCount > gridOptions.paginationPageSize) // Sometimes paging shows all rows this fixes that
<div ui-grid="vm.gridOptions" grid-resize="vm.gridApi" ui-grid-resize-columns ui-grid-pagination></div>