
Retrofit2: Error Handling

我正在使用 XML API,其中 returns 用户、客户、文章等列表:

<userlist access="ro">
<!-- Info about nums of pages, elements per page etc. -->
<user access="ro">
<surname access="rw" type="string">Jon</surname>
<lastname access="rw" type="string">Doe</lastname>
<scannerpin access="ro" type="int">1234</scannerpin>
<!-- ... -->

目前,我的 POJO 看起来像这样:

public class User extends XmlObject {
    private XmlElement surname;

    private XmlElement lastname;

    private XmlElement scannerpin;

/* XXX no support for generics in SimpleXML. TODO Find better solution */
public class XmlUserList extends XmlList<User> {

     * Constructor for XmlUserList
     * @param multipage
    public XmlUserList(@Element(name = "multipage") Multipage multipage) {

public class XmlElement extends XmlNode {
    protected static final String rcsid = "$Id: 29660 2016-08-17 15:08:39Z jb $";

     * The element's value
    String value;

     * Default constructor for XmlElement
    public XmlElement() {

     * Getter for value
     * @return this.value
    public String getValue() {
        return this.value != null ? this.value : "";

     * Setter for value
     * @param value The new value
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Iff this element is readOnly
    public void setValue(String value) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
            this.value = value;

    public void setValue(Integer value) {
        this.value = String.valueOf(value);

public abstract class XmlList<T> extends XmlNode {
    protected static final String rcsid = "$Id: 29660 2016-08-17 15:08:39Z jb $";

     * List entries
            @ElementList(inline = true, name = "user", type = User.class,required=false),
            @ElementList(inline = true, name = "customer", type = Customer.class,required=false),
            @ElementList(inline = true, name = "article", type = Article.class,required=false)
    private List<T> list;

     * Multipage object
    private Multipage multipage;

     * Constructor for XmlList
    public XmlList(@Element(name="multipage") Multipage multipage) {
        this.multipage = multipage;

     * getter for list
     * @return this.list
    public List<T> getList() {
        return (this.list);

    public void setList(List<T> list) {
        this.list = list;

     * Getter for Multipage
     * @return this.multipage
    public Multipage getMultipage() {
        return (this.multipage);

发生错误(例如错误登录、停机),后端不会return一个列表,而是一个错误消息并发送 HTTP 200,anway:

<message>Not logged in</message>

我想知道如何在此处以正确的方式捕获错误。我可以向 XmlObject 添加一个可选字段 message,但这意味着我必须用 required=false 注释每个字段以防止错误异常。我尝试了这种方法,但由于依赖性混乱而回滚(例如,每个列表必须有一个多页成员)。我可以在 @Commit 方法中检查这一点,但是我想强制执行几个约束,最好使用 SimpleXML 注释。

如何使用 SimpleXML 转换器处理 Retrofit2 中的后端错误?

我找到了解决方案。问题是后端 returns HTTP/1.1 200 OK 出错。我编写了一个拦截器,它检查响应是否可以解析为 ApiError 对象,如果可以,则将响应的 HTTP 状态代码覆盖为 HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

final class ErrorInterceptor implements Interceptor {

    public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
        Response originalResponse = chain.proceed(chain.request());
        Response.Builder responseBuilder = originalResponse.newBuilder();

         * get body from response. caution! .string() cannot be called more 
         * than once, so a new response is built with the old response's body
        String bodyString = originalResponse.body().string();

        // if response is an error: override response code to 400
        if (isError(bodyString)) {

        // clone response into new one


    public boolean isError(String body) {
        Serializer ser = new Persister();

        try {
            return ser.validate(ErrorUtils.ApiError.class, body);
            // ser.validate() will throw if body can't be read into ApiError.class
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

public class ApiError {

    private String message;

    private String softver;

    public ApiError(@Element(name="message") String message, @Element(name="softver") String softver) {
        this.message = message;
        this.softver = softver;

    public String getMessage() {
        return message;

    public String getSoftver() {
        return softver;