我可以使用 CSS 内容和计数器向我的网格添加自定义标签吗?

Can I use CSS content and counters to add custom labels to my grid?

我目前正在用 div 创建一个 html 网格来显示字符属性。

这里是 DIV:

<div class="grid attributes ng-scope">
    <!-- ngRepeat: (category, attribute) in mages[0].attributes --><div ng-repeat="(category, attribute) in mages[0].attributes" ng-init="categoryIndex = $index" class="col-0 mental grid">
        <h5 class="category-header ng-binding">mental</h5>
        <!-- ngRepeat: (key, value) in  attribute --><div ng-repeat="(key, value) in  attribute" class="row-0 col-0-0 Intelligence attribute">
            Intelligence: 1
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: (key, value) in  attribute --><div ng-repeat="(key, value) in  attribute" class="row-1 col-0-1 Resolve attribute">
            Resolve: 0
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: (key, value) in  attribute --><div ng-repeat="(key, value) in  attribute" class="row-2 col-0-2 Wits attribute">
            Wits: 0
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: (key, value) in  attribute -->
    </div><!-- end ngRepeat: (category, attribute) in mages[0].attributes --><div ng-repeat="(category, attribute) in mages[0].attributes" ng-init="categoryIndex = $index" class="col-1 physical grid">
        <h5 class="category-header ng-binding">physical</h5>
        <!-- ngRepeat: (key, value) in  attribute --><div ng-repeat="(key, value) in  attribute" class="row-0 col-1-0 Dexterity attribute">
            Dexterity: 0
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: (key, value) in  attribute --><div ng-repeat="(key, value) in  attribute" class="row-1 col-1-1 Stamina attribute">
            Stamina: 0
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: (key, value) in  attribute --><div ng-repeat="(key, value) in  attribute" class="row-2 col-1-2 Strength attribute">
            Strength: 0
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: (key, value) in  attribute -->
    </div><!-- end ngRepeat: (category, attribute) in mages[0].attributes --><div ng-repeat="(category, attribute) in mages[0].attributes" ng-init="categoryIndex = $index" class="col-2 social grid">
        <h5 class="category-header ng-binding">social</h5>
        <!-- ngRepeat: (key, value) in  attribute --><div ng-repeat="(key, value) in  attribute" class="row-0 col-2-0 Composure attribute">
            Composure: 0
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: (key, value) in  attribute --><div ng-repeat="(key, value) in  attribute" class="row-1 col-2-1 Manipulation attribute">
            Manipulation: 0
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: (key, value) in  attribute --><div ng-repeat="(key, value) in  attribute" class="row-2 col-2-2 Presence attribute">
            Presence: 0
        </div><!-- end ngRepeat: (key, value) in  attribute -->
    </div><!-- end ngRepeat: (category, attribute) in mages[0].attributes -->

是否可以使用 CSS content 欺骗来标记行?

类似于(CSS 下面的伪代码):

    counter-reset: attr;

.attributes> [class*='col-0-']:before {

  content: label(attr);

标签是按顺序放置我的标签的东西 list/dict?或者这是 SASS/SCSS 类型的工作?

CSS 计数器只能与 counter()counters() 函数一起使用。它们是完全在 CSS 内递增和跟踪的数值,并且只能呈现为数值。

content 属性 可以通过 attr() 函数从原始 HTML 元素获取属性值,而无需使用计数器。

但是如果您想要的值来自其他地方,例如 JavaScript 对象,那么除非您可以在自定义数据属性中表达它们,否则您将需要 JavaScript 将它们呈现到页面中.


[data-foo]:before {
    content: attr(data-foo);
<div data-foo="Power">