类 带有静态箭头函数

Classes with static arrow functions

我目前正在实施 static land 规范(幻想世界的另一种选择)。我不仅想将普通对象用作类型,而且还想将 ES2015 类 与静态方法一起使用。我已经将这些静态方法实现为柯里化形式的箭头函数,而不是普通函数。但是,这对于 ES2015 类:

class List extends Array {
  static map = f => xs => xs.map(x => f(x))
  static of = x => [x]

我的 map 不需要它自己的 this,因为它只是 List 构造函数上的柯里化函数。为了让它工作,我必须写 static map(f) { return xs => xs.map(x => f(x)) },这很烦人。

Why can't I use arrow functions along with an assignment expression in ES2015 classes?

因为那不是 ES2015 class 语法的设计方式——目前,请参阅下面的行。

Is there a concise way to achieve my goal anyway?

我不清楚你想要 classes,只是一个对象:

const List = {
  map: f => xs => xs.map(x => f(x)),
  of:  x => [x]


但是,如果您希望 List 扩展 Array(例如,您将拥有实例),然后将这些静态添加到其中,则需要两步:

let List = Object.assign(
  class List extends Array { },
    map: f => xs => xs.map(x => f(x)),
    of:  x => [x]

console.log(List.of(42)); // [42]

如果您希望它们不可枚举或不可配置等,您需要 Object.defineProperties 而不是 Object.assign;我将把它留作 reader...


有一个 Stage 3 proposal for class "fields," including static fields, which is being actively implemented by JavaScript engine builders. (And you can use it now via tools like Babel。)它在 class 中提供了静态字段声明语法,几乎与您展示的完全一样:

// Not in the language yet, but at Stage 3 and shipping without
// any flags in V8 (for instance, in Chrome)
class List extends Array {
  static map = f => xs => xs.map(x => f(x));
  static of = x => [x];

console.log(List.of(42)); // [42]

注意: 有一个标准的 Array.of 方法,所以我不会在 List 中添加不兼容的 of

最后,我要指出,除非有某种原因它们 必须 是箭头函数,否则 ES2015 的 class 语法支持静态方法:

// ES2015+
class List extends Array {
  static map(f) {
    return xs => xs.map(x => f(x));
  static of(x) {
    return [x];

console.log(List.of(42)); // [42]