MQL4:如果 x 大于 y,则执行函数

MQL4: Execute function if x is more than y

使用 MQL4,如何执行 BUY 订单(见下文)
如果一个变量 x 的值为 1
而另一个变量 y 的值为 3?


变量x = 1

变量y = 3

所以如果xMORE THAN y,执行这个脚本:

extern int TakeProfit = 10;
extern int StopLoss = 10;

void OnStart()
   double TakeProfitLevel;
   double StopLossLevel; 

   TakeProfitLevel = Bid + TakeProfit*Point;
   StopLossLevel = Bid - StopLoss*Point;

   Alert("TakeProfitLevel = ", TakeProfitLevel);
   Alert("StopLossLevel = ", StopLossLevel);

   OrderSend("USDCAD", OP_BUY, 1.0, Ask, 10, StopLossLevel, TakeProfitLevel, "first order");


如果 xLESS THAN y,执行这个 SELL 脚本:

extern int TakeProfit = 10;
extern int StopLoss = 10;

void OnStart()
double TakeProfitLevel;
double StopLossLevel; 

TakeProfitLevel = Bid + TakeProfit*Point;
StopLossLevel = Bid - StopLoss*Point;

Alert("TakeProfitLevel = ", TakeProfitLevel);
Alert("StopLossLevel = ", StopLossLevel);

OrderSend("USDCAD", OP_SELL, 1.0, Ask, 10, StopLossLevel, TakeProfitLevel, "first order");


我正在努力寻找 MQL4 代码,该代码建立了可以相互比较的变量,例如x > y 反之亦然,如有任何帮助,我们将不胜感激。


MQL4 曾经是编译型静态类型语言。


int             ii = 0;
double       coeff = 1.23456789;
color  anMQL_color = 0x224466;             // could be stated as {int|hex|literals||colornames}
datetime  aTimeNOW = D'2016.08.23';
string    aLastMSG = "[ALARM] This TracePoint shall never be executed";

最近 MQL4 语言重新设计为 New-MQL4.56789 带来了一些新类型(即 struct-s )


·整数(char, short, int, long, uchar, ushort, uint, ulong);


·文字 (ushort);

·字符串(string); (但是 struct 内部 (!!),所以在 DLL API 中要小心)

·浮点数(double, float);



·枚举 (enum).





int aFactoredNUMBER = EMPTY;                             // declaration + initial value assignment
    aFactoredNUMBER = (int) ( coeff * 3.1412592653598 ); // operation with a resulting value type casting into (int)

那么 x > y 怎么样?

让我画几个 SLOC:

double x = 1,
       y = 3;

if (  x > y ) { ... ;
                OrderSend( , OP_BUY,  ... );

if (  x < y ) { ... ;                            // THIS
                OrderSend( , OP_SELL, ... );     // COULD BE A CALL TO FUN( { OP_BUY | OP_SELL } )