theme_table() 中为 foreach() 提供的参数无效,但我传递的是有效数组?

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in theme_table() but I'm passing valid arrays?

好的,所以我是 Drupal 的新手,我正在尝试创建一个自定义模块来生成用户可以导航到的页面。当用户单击该页面时,我试图从数据库中检索所有内容片段的标题,并使用 table_theme 将它们排列在 table 中。除了在 table 中生成行外,一切正常。它在页面顶部给我这条消息:

"Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in theme_table() (line 2107 of /srv/bindings/4d0bbd3c7be847abb26f62e0dacbcc24/code/includes/"

对于我从数据库中检索到的每个标题,此消息都会出现一次。这是我的 content_titles.module 文件(我的自定义模块文件):


 * @file
 * A module that creates a page to display all existing content titles

   * Implements hook_help()
   * Displays help and module information
   * @param path
   *    Which path of the site we're using to display help
   * @param arg
   *    Array that holds the current path as returned from arg() function
  function content_titles_help($path, $arg) {
    switch ($path) {
        case "admin/help#content_titles":
            return '' . t("Displays all existing content titles 
                on an overview page") . '';

   * Implements hook_menu()
   * Enables the module to register a link to be placed in a menu
  function content_titles_menu() {

    $items['test/content_titles'] = array(
        'title' => 'Overview Test Page',
        'page callback' => 'content_titles_simple',
        'access callback' => TRUE,
        'expanded' => TRUE,

    return $items;

   * Constructs the Content Titles page
  function content_titles_simple() {
    return array('#markup' => create_content_table());

   * This function will create the table to hold the content titles in
  function create_content_table() {

    // Retrieve content titles from the database
    $results = db_query('SELECT title FROM {node}');

    $header = array('Content Titles');

    $rows = array();
    while ($row = $results->fetchAssoc()) {
        $rows[] = $row['title'];

    print_r($rows); // FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES

    $output = theme('table', array('header' => $header,
                                    'rows' => $rows));

    return $output;     

问题似乎与我使用主题功能有关。我不明白我的任何论点是如何无效的。我正在传递 'table' 的主题类型,并且我检查过的两个数组不为空(这就是为什么我使用 print_r 来打印我从数据库中存储标题的数组的原因)。我在这里很困惑。知道问题出在哪里吗?


  $header = array(
    array('data' => t('Content Titles'), 'field' => 'title'),
  $rows = array();
  $query = db_select('node', 'n')->fields('n', array('title'));
  $pager = $query->extend('PagerDefault')
  $results = $pager->execute();
  foreach ($results as $row) {
    $rows[] = array($row->title);
  return theme('table', array(
    'header' => $header,
    'rows' => $rows)) . theme('pager');


谢谢大家的帮助,我搞定了!我需要将数组推入 $rows 数组而不是值。我更改了这部分代码:

$rows = array();
    while ($row = $results->fetchAssoc()) {
        $rows[] = $row['title'];


$rows = array();
    while ($row = $results->fetchAssoc()) {
        $rows[] = array($row['title']);