ID 未保存在 OneToMany 关系中
ID not saved in OneToMany relationship
我正在使用 Symfony2 开发一个项目。但是我 运行 遇到了问题。我有一个实体 Purchase 和另一个 TypePurchase。它们具有一对多关系,但是当我查看 TypePurchase 的 table 内部时,未保存 Purchase 实体 ID。它的值为空。我已经在 addType 方法 Purchase 中尝试了 $types->setPurchase($this) 。但这给我的结果是只有第一个添加的实体得到一个 ID,下一个又是空的。
这是我在采购中的字段和 ID 字段:
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="TypePurchase", mappedBy="purchase", cascade={"persist", "remove" })
protected $types;
* Add types
* @param \Wood\AdminBundle\Entity\TypePurchase $types
* @return Purchase
public function addType(\Wood\AdminBundle\Entity\TypePurchase $types)
$this->types[] = $types;
return $this;
这是我在 TypePurchase 中的字段:
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Purchase", inversedBy="types", cascade={"persist", "remove" })
* @ORM\JoinColumn(referencedColumnName="id")
protected $purchase;
购买中我的 ID 字段
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
protected $id;
这是我在 Purchase 控制器中的 createAction:
* @param Request $request
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function createAction(Request $request)
$purchase = new Purchase();
$purchase->addType(new TypePurchase());
$form = $this->createForm(new PurchaseType(), $purchase);
if($form->isValid()) {
$purchaseService = $this->get('woodadmin.purchaseservice');
$flash = $this->get('braincrafted_bootstrap.flash');
$flash->success('De inkoop is succesvol geregistreerd.');
$now = time();
if($purchase->getSupplier() != null) {
$date = $purchase->getSupplier()->getFscExpiration()->format('U');
$datediff = $date - $now;
$diff = floor($datediff / (60 * 60 * 24));
if ($diff <= 14) {
$flash->alert('Let op, het FSC-certificaat van de leverancier ' . htmlentities($purchase->getSupplier()->getName()) . ' verloopt bijna of is al verlopen.');
$now2 = time();
$date2 = $purchase->getSupplier()->getPefcExpiration()->format('U');
$datediff2 = $date2 - $now2;
$diff2 = floor($datediff2 / (60 * 60 * 24));
if ($diff2 <= 14) {
$flash->alert('Let op, Het PEFC-certificaat van de leverancier ' . htmlentities($purchase->getSupplier()->getName()) . ' verloopt bijna of is al verlopen.');
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('wood_admin_purchase_list'));
return $this->render('WoodAdminBundle:Purchase:create.html.twig', array('title' => 'Inkoop registreren', 'page' => 'purchases', 'form' => $form->createView()));
我持久化 Purchase 实体的 PurchaseService 部分:
public function createPurchase(\Wood\AdminBundle\Entity\Purchase $purchase) {
在持久化 Purchase
实体之前,您需要先持久化 TypePurchase
The following example is an extension to the User-Comment example of
this chapter. Suppose in our application a user is created whenever he
writes his first comment. In this case we would use the following
$user = new User();
$myFirstComment = new Comment();
Even if you persist a new User that contains our new Comment this code would fail if you removed the call to
EntityManager#persist($myFirstComment). Doctrine 2 does not cascade
the persist operation to all nested entities that are new as well.
$purchase = new Purchase();
$typePurchase = new TypePurchase();
$form = $this->createForm(new PurchaseType(), $purchase);
我正在使用 Symfony2 开发一个项目。但是我 运行 遇到了问题。我有一个实体 Purchase 和另一个 TypePurchase。它们具有一对多关系,但是当我查看 TypePurchase 的 table 内部时,未保存 Purchase 实体 ID。它的值为空。我已经在 addType 方法 Purchase 中尝试了 $types->setPurchase($this) 。但这给我的结果是只有第一个添加的实体得到一个 ID,下一个又是空的。
这是我在采购中的字段和 ID 字段:
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="TypePurchase", mappedBy="purchase", cascade={"persist", "remove" })
protected $types;
* Add types
* @param \Wood\AdminBundle\Entity\TypePurchase $types
* @return Purchase
public function addType(\Wood\AdminBundle\Entity\TypePurchase $types)
$this->types[] = $types;
return $this;
这是我在 TypePurchase 中的字段:
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Purchase", inversedBy="types", cascade={"persist", "remove" })
* @ORM\JoinColumn(referencedColumnName="id")
protected $purchase;
已编辑: 购买中我的 ID 字段
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
protected $id;
这是我在 Purchase 控制器中的 createAction:
* @param Request $request
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function createAction(Request $request)
$purchase = new Purchase();
$purchase->addType(new TypePurchase());
$form = $this->createForm(new PurchaseType(), $purchase);
if($form->isValid()) {
$purchaseService = $this->get('woodadmin.purchaseservice');
$flash = $this->get('braincrafted_bootstrap.flash');
$flash->success('De inkoop is succesvol geregistreerd.');
$now = time();
if($purchase->getSupplier() != null) {
$date = $purchase->getSupplier()->getFscExpiration()->format('U');
$datediff = $date - $now;
$diff = floor($datediff / (60 * 60 * 24));
if ($diff <= 14) {
$flash->alert('Let op, het FSC-certificaat van de leverancier ' . htmlentities($purchase->getSupplier()->getName()) . ' verloopt bijna of is al verlopen.');
$now2 = time();
$date2 = $purchase->getSupplier()->getPefcExpiration()->format('U');
$datediff2 = $date2 - $now2;
$diff2 = floor($datediff2 / (60 * 60 * 24));
if ($diff2 <= 14) {
$flash->alert('Let op, Het PEFC-certificaat van de leverancier ' . htmlentities($purchase->getSupplier()->getName()) . ' verloopt bijna of is al verlopen.');
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('wood_admin_purchase_list'));
return $this->render('WoodAdminBundle:Purchase:create.html.twig', array('title' => 'Inkoop registreren', 'page' => 'purchases', 'form' => $form->createView()));
我持久化 Purchase 实体的 PurchaseService 部分:
public function createPurchase(\Wood\AdminBundle\Entity\Purchase $purchase) {
在持久化 Purchase
实体之前,您需要先持久化 TypePurchase
The following example is an extension to the User-Comment example of this chapter. Suppose in our application a user is created whenever he writes his first comment. In this case we would use the following code:
<?php $user = new User(); $myFirstComment = new Comment(); $user->addComment($myFirstComment); $em->persist($user); $em->persist($myFirstComment); $em->flush();
Even if you persist a new User that contains our new Comment this code would fail if you removed the call to EntityManager#persist($myFirstComment). Doctrine 2 does not cascade the persist operation to all nested entities that are new as well.
$purchase = new Purchase();
$typePurchase = new TypePurchase();
$form = $this->createForm(new PurchaseType(), $purchase);