如何根据隐藏字段值将查询字符串附加到 Url.Action 创建的 url

How to append a querystring to the url created by Url.Action base on a hidden fields values


public ActionResult ChangeStateId(int userId,int stateId)
   return RedirectToAction("Index")    

并且在我的 View 锚标记中,我想使用这样的参数值重定向到上面的操作方法

<a href="'@Url.Action("ChangeStateId","User")?userId='+$('#hidID').val()+ '&stateId=' +$('#hidStateId'.val()")></a>;


使用这个 a 标签:

<a id="GoToRedirectAction" data-url="@Url.Action("NewTelegramHlink", "Hlink",null, Request.Url.Scheme)">Go To Redirect Action</a>

使用这些 jQuery 代码:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('a#GoToRedirectAction').click(function() {
        window.location.href = $(this).data('url') + "?userId=" + $('#hidID').val() + "+&stateId=" + $('#hidStateId').val();;

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('body').on("click",'a#GoToRedirectAction',function() {
        window.location.href = $(this).data('url') + "?userId=" + $('#hidID').val() + "+&stateId=" + $('#hidStateId').val();;


<a href="@Url.Action("ChangeStateId", "Home", new { userId = 1, stateId =2})" )>Click</a>


<a href="#" data_controller="Home" data_action="ChangeStateId"  id="ancChangeState">Click JQuery</a>

$("#ancChangeState").click(function () {            
        var controllerName = $(this).attr("data_controller");
        var actionName = $(this).attr("data_action");
        var userId = $('#hidID').val();
        var stateId = $('#hidStateId').val();

        if (userId == undefined)
            userId = 1;
        if (stateId == undefined) {
            stateId = 1;
        var url = "/"+controllerName + "/" + actionName +"?userId="+userId+"&stateId=" +stateId+" ";

        window.location.href = url;