PostScript - 比较相等值 + "if" 结构

PostScript - Comparing values for equality + "if" structure


/smth1 [0 1 0] def
/smth2 [-1 0 0] def


例如,(Equal!) show.

我知道我应该使用 eq 并且可能使用

... {(Equal!) show} if 



你不想比较数组,你想比较数组的内容。可以在 PostScript 中测试数组和其他复合对象的相等性,但这不会测试它们的内容,只会测试它们是否是同一对象。


/Array1 [0 0 0] def
/Array2 [0 0 0] def
/Pointer Array1 def

Array1 Array2 eq
  (Array1 equals Array2\n) print
  (Array1 does not equal Array2\n) print

Array1 Pointer eq
  (Array1 equals Pointer\n) print
  (Array1 does not equal Pointer\n) print

如果你 运行 那,你会看到 Array1 和 Array2 不相等,但 Array1 和 Pointer 相等。那是因为 Pointer 是(松散地)指向 Array1 的指针。事实上,按照 PostScript 的工作方式,两者都是对同一对象的引用。 Array1 和 Array2 是对不同对象的引用,即使它们的内容相同。





%% First let us define two arrays of differing lengths

userdict begin       %% We'll define these in user dict
/Array1 [0 0 0] def
/Array2 [0 1] def

% So when testing compound objects for equality, we should first
% start by checking the lengths (sizes) of the two objects

Array1 length    % Put array1 on the stack then call the 'length' operator
                 % stack now contains the length of Array1 
Array2 length    % Put array2 on the stack then call the 'length' operator
                 % stack now contains the lengths of Array1 and Array2
eq               % The eq operator tests the two objects on the stack to
                 % see if they are equal and returns a boolean
                 % stack now contains a boolean

% So now we declare some executable arrays, each executable array
% can be thought of as an inline function. We define one for each possible
% value; true or false
  (Array1 and Array2 are equal!\n) print
  (Array1 and Array2 are not equal!\n) print

% The ifelse operator consumes two executable arrays, and a boolean, from
% the operand stack. If the boolean is true it executes the first
% array, otherwise it executes the second.


%% First let us define two arrays with the same contents

userdict begin       %% We'll define these in user dict
/Array1 [0 0 0] def
/Array2 [0 0 0] def

Array1 length Array2 length eq
  % The 'for' operator consumes 4 operands, the initial value of the loop counter,
  % the amount to increment the counter by on each pass, and the terminating
  % value of the counter, finally the executable array to execute on each pass.
  % So, starting at loop count = 0, incrementing by 1 each time, and stopping
  % when the counter is the length of the array. Note! Because we start at 0
  % The counter is the array length - 1.
  0 1 Array1 length 1 sub
    %% Now on each pass the top element on the stack is the loop counter
    %% We're going to need that twice, once for each array. So we start by
    %% taking a copy and putting it on the stack
    %% The stack now contains: <loop count> <loop count>
    %% Now get the n'th element from the first array:
    %% The stack now contains: <loop count> <array1 element 'n'>
    %% We want to use the loop counter to index the second array, but its not
    %% on top of the stack, so swap the top two elements:
    %% Stack now contains: <array1 element 'n'> <loop count>
    %% Now use the counter to get the n'th element from the second array
    %% stack now contains: <array1 element n><array 2 element n>
    %% check for equality
    eq not
      (Arrays are not equal!\n) print
    } if
  (Arrays are not equal in length\n) print
} ifelse



上面的函数 return 没有任何指示成功或失败的信息(后台通道上的输出除外)。显然需要布尔结果。最简单的方法是在堆栈上粘贴一个 'true',如果相等失败,弹出 true 并用 false 替换它。

函数在发现不等式时不会终止,exit 运算符可用于执行此操作(尽管您可能希望先实现上面的布尔值)


警告:我还没有实际测试过这里的 PostScript 程序,完全有可能出现错别字:-)