C++17 中新的基于范围的 for 循环如何帮助 Ranges TS?
How the new range-based for loop in C++17 helps Ranges TS?
委员会更改了基于范围的 for 循环:
auto && __range = range_expression ;
for (auto __begin = begin_expr, __end = end_expr;
__begin != __end; ++__begin) {
range_declaration = *__begin;
到 C++17:
auto && __range = range_expression ;
auto __begin = begin_expr ;
auto __end = end_expr ;
for ( ; __begin != __end; ++__begin) {
range_declaration = *__begin;
人们说这将使实施 Ranges TS 变得更加容易。你能给我一些例子吗?
不等即可。 __end
甚至不需要是迭代器,可以是谓词。这是一个愚蠢的例子,其中一个结构定义了 begin
和 end
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// a struct to get the first word of a string
struct FirstWord {
std::string data;
// declare a predicate to make ' ' a string ender
struct EndOfString {
bool operator()(std::string::iterator it) { return (*it) != '[=10=]' && (*it) != ' '; }
std::string::iterator begin() { return data.begin(); }
EndOfString end() { return EndOfString(); }
// declare the comparison operator
bool operator!=(std::string::iterator it, FirstWord::EndOfString p) { return p(it); }
// test
int main() {
for (auto c : {"Hello World !!!"})
std::cout << c;
std::cout << std::endl; // print "Hello World !!!"
for (auto c : FirstWord{"Hello World !!!"}) // works with gcc with C++17 enabled
std::cout << c;
std::cout << std::endl; // print "Hello"
C++11/14 范围-for
WG21 的论文是 P0184R0,其动机如下:
The existing range-based for loop is over-constrained. The end
iterator is never incremented, decremented, or dereferenced. Requiring
it to be an iterator serves no practical purpose.
从您发布的标准语可以看出,范围的 end
迭代器仅在循环条件 __begin != __end;
中使用。因此 end
只需要与 begin
...这扭曲了分隔迭代器的 operator==
那么这有什么缺点呢?好吧,如果你有一个标记分隔的范围(C 字符串、文本行等),那么你必须将循环条件硬塞进迭代器的 operator==
#include <iostream>
template <char Delim = 0>
struct StringIterator
char const* ptr = nullptr;
friend auto operator==(StringIterator lhs, StringIterator rhs) {
return lhs.ptr ? (rhs.ptr || (*lhs.ptr == Delim)) : (!rhs.ptr || (*rhs.ptr == Delim));
friend auto operator!=(StringIterator lhs, StringIterator rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
auto& operator*() { return *ptr; }
auto& operator++() { ++ptr; return *this; }
template <char Delim = 0>
class StringRange
StringIterator<Delim> it;
StringRange(char const* ptr) : it{ptr} {}
auto begin() { return it; }
auto end() { return StringIterator<Delim>{}; }
int main()
// "Hello World", no exclamation mark
for (auto const& c : StringRange<'!'>{"Hello World!"})
std::cout << c;
Live Example with g++ -std=c++14, (assembly 使用 gcc.godbolt.org)
上面的 operator==
for StringIterator<>
在其参数中是对称的,并且不依赖于范围是 begin != end
还是 end != begin
对于简单的迭代模式,编译器能够优化 operator==
C++17 将放宽限制,从而简化分隔范围...
那么简化具体体现在哪里呢?在 operator==
中,现在有额外的重载采用 iterator/sentinel 对(在两个顺序中,为了对称)。所以 运行 时间逻辑变成了编译时逻辑。
#include <iostream>
template <char Delim = 0>
struct StringSentinel {};
struct StringIterator
char const* ptr = nullptr;
template <char Delim>
friend auto operator==(StringIterator lhs, StringSentinel<Delim> rhs) {
return *lhs.ptr == Delim;
template <char Delim>
friend auto operator==(StringSentinel<Delim> lhs, StringIterator rhs) {
return rhs == lhs;
template <char Delim>
friend auto operator!=(StringIterator lhs, StringSentinel<Delim> rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
template <char Delim>
friend auto operator!=(StringSentinel<Delim> lhs, StringIterator rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
auto& operator*() { return *ptr; }
auto& operator++() { ++ptr; return *this; }
template <char Delim = 0>
class StringRange
StringIterator it;
StringRange(char const* ptr) : it{ptr} {}
auto begin() { return it; }
auto end() { return StringSentinel<Delim>{}; }
int main()
// "Hello World", no exclamation mark
for (auto const& c : StringRange<'!'>{"Hello World!"})
std::cout << c;
Live Example using g++ -std=c++1z (assembly 使用 gcc.godbolt.org,这与前面的示例几乎相同。
...并且实际上将支持完全通用的原始 "D-style" 范围。
WG21 论文 N4382 有以下建议:
C.6 Range Facade and Adaptor Utilities [future.facade]
1 Until it
becomes trivial for users to create their own iterator types, the full
potential of iterators will remain unrealized. The range abstraction
makes that achievable. With the right library components, it should be
possible for users to define a range with a minimal interface (e.g.,
, done
, and next
members), and have iterator types
automatically generated. Such a range facade class template is left as
future work.
本质上,这等同于 D 样式范围(其中这些原语称为 empty
和 popFront
template <char Delim = 0>
class PrimitiveStringRange
char const* ptr;
PrimitiveStringRange(char const* c) : ptr{c} {}
auto& current() { return *ptr; }
auto done() const { return *ptr == Delim; }
auto next() { ++ptr; }
如果不知道基本范围的底层表示,如何从中提取迭代器?如何将其调整为可以与 range-for
一起使用的范围?这是一种方法(另请参阅@EricNiebler 的 series of blog posts)和@T.C 的评论。:
#include <iostream>
// adapt any primitive range with current/done/next to Iterator/Sentinel pair with begin/end
template <class Derived>
struct RangeAdaptor : private Derived
using Derived::Derived;
struct Sentinel {};
struct Iterator
Derived* rng;
friend auto operator==(Iterator it, Sentinel) { return it.rng->done(); }
friend auto operator==(Sentinel, Iterator it) { return it.rng->done(); }
friend auto operator!=(Iterator lhs, Sentinel rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
friend auto operator!=(Sentinel lhs, Iterator rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
auto& operator*() { return rng->current(); }
auto& operator++() { rng->next(); return *this; }
auto begin() { return Iterator{this}; }
auto end() { return Sentinel{}; }
int main()
// "Hello World", no exclamation mark
for (auto const& c : RangeAdaptor<PrimitiveStringRange<'!'>>{"Hello World!"})
std::cout << c;
Live Example using g++ -std=c++1z (assembly 使用 gcc.godbolt.org)
结论:哨兵不仅仅是一种将定界符压入类型系统的可爱机制,它们的通用性足以support primitive "D-style" ranges(它们本身可能没有迭代器)作为新 C++1z range-for 的零开销抽象。
委员会更改了基于范围的 for 循环:
{ auto && __range = range_expression ; for (auto __begin = begin_expr, __end = end_expr; __begin != __end; ++__begin) { range_declaration = *__begin; loop_statement } }
到 C++17:
{ auto && __range = range_expression ; auto __begin = begin_expr ; auto __end = end_expr ; for ( ; __begin != __end; ++__begin) { range_declaration = *__begin; loop_statement } }
人们说这将使实施 Ranges TS 变得更加容易。你能给我一些例子吗?
不等即可。 __end
甚至不需要是迭代器,可以是谓词。这是一个愚蠢的例子,其中一个结构定义了 begin
和 end
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// a struct to get the first word of a string
struct FirstWord {
std::string data;
// declare a predicate to make ' ' a string ender
struct EndOfString {
bool operator()(std::string::iterator it) { return (*it) != '[=10=]' && (*it) != ' '; }
std::string::iterator begin() { return data.begin(); }
EndOfString end() { return EndOfString(); }
// declare the comparison operator
bool operator!=(std::string::iterator it, FirstWord::EndOfString p) { return p(it); }
// test
int main() {
for (auto c : {"Hello World !!!"})
std::cout << c;
std::cout << std::endl; // print "Hello World !!!"
for (auto c : FirstWord{"Hello World !!!"}) // works with gcc with C++17 enabled
std::cout << c;
std::cout << std::endl; // print "Hello"
C++11/14 范围-for
WG21 的论文是 P0184R0,其动机如下:
The existing range-based for loop is over-constrained. The end iterator is never incremented, decremented, or dereferenced. Requiring it to be an iterator serves no practical purpose.
从您发布的标准语可以看出,范围的 end
迭代器仅在循环条件 __begin != __end;
中使用。因此 end
只需要与 begin
...这扭曲了分隔迭代器的 operator==
那么这有什么缺点呢?好吧,如果你有一个标记分隔的范围(C 字符串、文本行等),那么你必须将循环条件硬塞进迭代器的 operator==
#include <iostream>
template <char Delim = 0>
struct StringIterator
char const* ptr = nullptr;
friend auto operator==(StringIterator lhs, StringIterator rhs) {
return lhs.ptr ? (rhs.ptr || (*lhs.ptr == Delim)) : (!rhs.ptr || (*rhs.ptr == Delim));
friend auto operator!=(StringIterator lhs, StringIterator rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
auto& operator*() { return *ptr; }
auto& operator++() { ++ptr; return *this; }
template <char Delim = 0>
class StringRange
StringIterator<Delim> it;
StringRange(char const* ptr) : it{ptr} {}
auto begin() { return it; }
auto end() { return StringIterator<Delim>{}; }
int main()
// "Hello World", no exclamation mark
for (auto const& c : StringRange<'!'>{"Hello World!"})
std::cout << c;
Live Example with g++ -std=c++14, (assembly 使用 gcc.godbolt.org)
上面的 operator==
for StringIterator<>
在其参数中是对称的,并且不依赖于范围是 begin != end
还是 end != begin
对于简单的迭代模式,编译器能够优化 operator==
C++17 将放宽限制,从而简化分隔范围...
那么简化具体体现在哪里呢?在 operator==
中,现在有额外的重载采用 iterator/sentinel 对(在两个顺序中,为了对称)。所以 运行 时间逻辑变成了编译时逻辑。
#include <iostream>
template <char Delim = 0>
struct StringSentinel {};
struct StringIterator
char const* ptr = nullptr;
template <char Delim>
friend auto operator==(StringIterator lhs, StringSentinel<Delim> rhs) {
return *lhs.ptr == Delim;
template <char Delim>
friend auto operator==(StringSentinel<Delim> lhs, StringIterator rhs) {
return rhs == lhs;
template <char Delim>
friend auto operator!=(StringIterator lhs, StringSentinel<Delim> rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
template <char Delim>
friend auto operator!=(StringSentinel<Delim> lhs, StringIterator rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
auto& operator*() { return *ptr; }
auto& operator++() { ++ptr; return *this; }
template <char Delim = 0>
class StringRange
StringIterator it;
StringRange(char const* ptr) : it{ptr} {}
auto begin() { return it; }
auto end() { return StringSentinel<Delim>{}; }
int main()
// "Hello World", no exclamation mark
for (auto const& c : StringRange<'!'>{"Hello World!"})
std::cout << c;
Live Example using g++ -std=c++1z (assembly 使用 gcc.godbolt.org,这与前面的示例几乎相同。
...并且实际上将支持完全通用的原始 "D-style" 范围。
WG21 论文 N4382 有以下建议:
C.6 Range Facade and Adaptor Utilities [future.facade]
1 Until it becomes trivial for users to create their own iterator types, the full potential of iterators will remain unrealized. The range abstraction makes that achievable. With the right library components, it should be possible for users to define a range with a minimal interface (e.g.,
, andnext
members), and have iterator types automatically generated. Such a range facade class template is left as future work.
本质上,这等同于 D 样式范围(其中这些原语称为 empty
和 popFront
template <char Delim = 0>
class PrimitiveStringRange
char const* ptr;
PrimitiveStringRange(char const* c) : ptr{c} {}
auto& current() { return *ptr; }
auto done() const { return *ptr == Delim; }
auto next() { ++ptr; }
如果不知道基本范围的底层表示,如何从中提取迭代器?如何将其调整为可以与 range-for
一起使用的范围?这是一种方法(另请参阅@EricNiebler 的 series of blog posts)和@T.C 的评论。:
#include <iostream>
// adapt any primitive range with current/done/next to Iterator/Sentinel pair with begin/end
template <class Derived>
struct RangeAdaptor : private Derived
using Derived::Derived;
struct Sentinel {};
struct Iterator
Derived* rng;
friend auto operator==(Iterator it, Sentinel) { return it.rng->done(); }
friend auto operator==(Sentinel, Iterator it) { return it.rng->done(); }
friend auto operator!=(Iterator lhs, Sentinel rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
friend auto operator!=(Sentinel lhs, Iterator rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
auto& operator*() { return rng->current(); }
auto& operator++() { rng->next(); return *this; }
auto begin() { return Iterator{this}; }
auto end() { return Sentinel{}; }
int main()
// "Hello World", no exclamation mark
for (auto const& c : RangeAdaptor<PrimitiveStringRange<'!'>>{"Hello World!"})
std::cout << c;
Live Example using g++ -std=c++1z (assembly 使用 gcc.godbolt.org)
结论:哨兵不仅仅是一种将定界符压入类型系统的可爱机制,它们的通用性足以support primitive "D-style" ranges(它们本身可能没有迭代器)作为新 C++1z range-for 的零开销抽象。