Spring 批处理管理器替代方案

Spring Batch Admin Manager alternative

Spring Batch Admin Manager 实施自 2015 年 1 月以来未更新。

是否有其他必须使用的东西? 或者我是否仍应使用 Spring Batch Admin Manager 为 Spring Batch 应用程序提供一些通用 UI?

假设您指的是 Spring Batch Admin v1.3.1 版本,那么:

还有什么事吗?是的,如果您的 spring 批处理应用程序是 spring 引导变体,请查看 https://github.com/codecentric/spring-boot-admin and how to configure it checkout http://codecentric.github.io/spring-boot-admin/1.4.1/#getting-started and https://blog.codecentric.de/en/2014/09/spring-boot-admin-first-official-release/

Spring Batch Admin Git Repository 声明

NOTE: This project is being moved to the Spring Attic and is not recommended for new projects. Spring Cloud Data Flow is the recommended replacement for managing and monitoring Spring Batch jobs going forward. You can read more about migrating to Spring Cloud Data Flow here.