m<<n 矩阵 (mxn) 的马氏距离

Mahalanobis distance for a matrix (mxn) with m<<n

我有一个 12x202 矩阵(12 个实例,有 202 个特征)。我想计算每 12 个实例之间的马哈拉诺比斯距离,但列数似乎不能大于实例数(行)。 (我在计算 12x11 矩阵的距离时没有问题,但是超过 11 个特征会在 MATLAB 中使用 linkage(X,'ward','mahalanobis');mahal(X,X);pdist2(X,X,'mahalanobis'); 导致错误)

如果您查看 matlab documentation 中的 mahal 函数,它会显示:

X and Y must have the same number of columns, but can have different numbers of rows. X must have more rows than columns.

我不太擅长统计,所以我不确定为什么这个条件很重要,但我想这是出于效率原因,而且 12 个措施的数量太少,所以考虑有更多的措施。


Mahalanobis distance is also called quadratic distance. It measures the separation of two groups of objects. Suppose we have two groups with means and , Mahalanobis distance is given by the following



function MD = my_MahalanobisDistance(X, Y)

[nX, mX] = size(X);
[nY, mY] = size(Y);

n = nX + nY;

if(mX ~= mY)
    disp('Columns in X must be same as in Y')
    xDiff = mean(X) - mean(Y);
    cX = my_covariance(X);
    cY = my_covariance(Y);
    pC = nX/n*cX + nY/n*cY;          
    MD = sqrt(xDiff * inv(pC) * xDiff');


function C = my_covariance(X) 
[n,m] = size(X); 
Xc = X -repmat(mean(X),n,1); 
C = Xc'* Xc/n;
