4xx_client_error 互动消息失败
4xx_client_error interactive message fail
但是,使用 fiddler,我们捕获了这个传出的 post
POST https://phoenixbussolutions.slack.com/api/chat.attachmentAction?_x_id=e8e90912-1472153470.154 HTTP/1.1
Host: phoenixbussolutions.slack.com
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 781
Origin: https://phoenixbussolutions.slack.com
哪个 returns 这个 JSON 负载
找不到关于错误的任何信息...所以我们非常独特,或者特别...或者两者兼而有之? :)
如有任何帮助,我们将不胜感激 - 我们的交互按钮 link 已设置,我们预计此传出消息将导致传入消息到交互按钮中指定的 URL我们的 Slack 应用程序的对话框。
找到我的答案 here. It's been awhile since I ASP.NET, and back then, I never understood what application/x-www-form-urlencoded means. We actually had a couple of problems that were masking the error message from our side, and we only had Slack's 4xx tidbit to try and figure out what was going on. Using FormDataCollection (scroll down to see a code example) 作为一个参数,就像一个魅力,然后在从名称值对中提取 JSON 之后,我们最终可以反序列化为一个点网 class.
现在我们正在研究如何将原始请求中的数据发送回 Slack - 但这是另一个问题!
但是,使用 fiddler,我们捕获了这个传出的 post
POST https://phoenixbussolutions.slack.com/api/chat.attachmentAction?_x_id=e8e90912-1472153470.154 HTTP/1.1
Host: phoenixbussolutions.slack.com
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 781
Origin: https://phoenixbussolutions.slack.com
哪个 returns 这个 JSON 负载
找不到关于错误的任何信息...所以我们非常独特,或者特别...或者两者兼而有之? :)
如有任何帮助,我们将不胜感激 - 我们的交互按钮 link 已设置,我们预计此传出消息将导致传入消息到交互按钮中指定的 URL我们的 Slack 应用程序的对话框。
找到我的答案 here. It's been awhile since I ASP.NET, and back then, I never understood what application/x-www-form-urlencoded means. We actually had a couple of problems that were masking the error message from our side, and we only had Slack's 4xx tidbit to try and figure out what was going on. Using FormDataCollection (scroll down to see a code example) 作为一个参数,就像一个魅力,然后在从名称值对中提取 JSON 之后,我们最终可以反序列化为一个点网 class.
现在我们正在研究如何将原始请求中的数据发送回 Slack - 但这是另一个问题!