如何在 Azure table 实体中更新单个 属性

How to update single property in azure table entity

嗨,我正在研究 Azure table "T1" 这个 table 有实体集列表

Primarykey  RowKey   P1  P2
PP          R1       5   10
PP          R2       6   11

现在假设我只想更新 P2 属性 而不想触及 P1 属性 这是否可能更新天蓝色 table 实体中的单个 属性。 记住 我不想碰 P1 属性 因为它通过其他功能不断更新

您要执行的操作是Merge Entity。来自 REST API 文档:

The Merge Entity operation updates an existing entity by updating the entity's properties. This operation does not replace the existing entity, as the Update Entity operation does.


    static void MergeEntityExample()
        var cred = new StorageCredentials(accountName, accountKey);
        var account = new CloudStorageAccount(cred, true);
        var client = account.CreateCloudTableClient();
        var table = client.GetTableReference("TableName");
        var entity = new DynamicTableEntity("PartitionKey", "RowKey");
        entity.ETag = "*";
        entity.Properties.Add("P2", new EntityProperty(12));
        var mergeOperation = TableOperation.Merge(entity);
