构建查询时出错 "previous operations still waiting for clauses"

Error building query which says "previous operations still waiting for clauses"

我正在尝试查询 3 种类型的产品,但出现此错误:

The SQL statement has not been finished since there are previous operations 
    still waiting for clauses.


QueryBuilder<Product, UUID> queryBuilder = pDao.queryBuilder();
Where<Transaction, UUID> where = queryBuilder.where();
where.eq("state", Product.State.NEW)
          .eq("type", Product.Type.DIGITAL)
          .or()                               -> I get the error here
          .eq("type", Product.Type.PHYSICAL);

The SQL statement has not been finished since there are previous operations still waiting for clauses

嗯。我无法重现这一点,QueryBuilder 的测试覆盖率非常好。我添加了一个 similar test here 并通过了。

QueryBuilder<Foo, String> qb = dao.queryBuilder();
Where<Foo, String> where = qb.where();
where.eq(Foo.VAL_COLUMN_NAME, foo1.val)
        .eq(Foo.STRING_COLUMN_NAME, foo1.stringField)
        .eq(Foo.STRING_COLUMN_NAME, foo2.stringField);

我认为还有其他事情正在发生。可能正在进行的其他 Where 调用未在您的测试中显示?如果不是,请确保您是 运行 4.48 或 5.0 版本。

您还可以尝试使用带有参数的 and(...)or(...) 生成查询:

 where.and(where.eq("state", Product.State.NEW),
           where.or(where.eq("type", Product.Type.DIGITAL),
                    where.eq("type", Product.Type.PHYSICAL)));

有关更多信息,请参阅 docs on QueryBuilder